Hokage kisses

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Naruto was in the office doing paperwork on a very and when I say very rainy day. He sighed from boredness, he knew that being Hokage wasn't just respect and looking good in a Hokage coat it also meant a lot, ALOT of responsibility. Not just to get the paperwork done but to review the changes that had to be made right now and in the future aswell for the villages, new buildings, railways and lots more.

"Uaghhh!" Naruto mumbled as he hit his head on the table and rested it there. "Today is going so slow." He mumbled "maybe just 5 minutes of sleep.." He was slowly drifting off until he felt a familiar chakra approach him through the window. "Sasuke." Naruto said with his eyes still closed and half asleep "Naruto what are you doing?" Sasuke said as he came over and poked his husband in the side of the face "What does it look like im tired!" Naruto grumpily argued "Well that's no way to be acting dobe after all you are Hokage..."Sasuke said sarcastically still trying to get attention from his lover. This hit Naruto like a ball of fire "WELL HOW ABOUT YOU DO IT THEN!" Naruto yelled as he got up and stormed over to the window. This wasn't the reaction Sasuke was looking for but a frown overtook his face he knew all that overnight work and early morning AND pressure have been getting to his blonde. "Baby I didn't mean it like that..." Sasuke said as he came over sadly "Well I've had a long couple of weeks im tired, ANGRY and you know how I get without my sleep!" Naruto yelled once more at the window avoiding looking at his husband. "Naruto look at me." Sasuke said there was no response from the blonde until Sasuke grabbed his chin. "Naruto you are doing amazing I couldn't imagine myself or anyone else doing what you doing now..." Sasuke said as he lightly kissed naruto "here I'll help you work..." Naruto's eyes lighted up "Really?!" "Yeah sure dobe." Sasuke smiled lightly and ruffling the blondes hair

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