Arguments in the rain...

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Hey guys! I posted this story yesterday night and just a few minutes ago I read it again and it glitched and stuffed its self up. This is the updated version of it. I did my best to fix the changes but im not the best a proof reading. Hope you enjoy this updated version of 'Arguments in the Rain.' :D

Naruto sat down on the step ouside of his school as the water pooled out to the sky. He leaned back against the handrail and looked up. His head hurt and he was soaked to the bone, but he didn't care.

Naruto's attention is caught by the droplets of water that run down the drain. Some water washes out from the sky, some pools on the ground. The wet boy sighed as he has had a very pretty bad day with his one and only best friend Sasuke ignoring him and all the exams that requires lots of studying to does not help the poor, drenched boys case at all. Naruto cursed under his breath as he kicked a nearby pebble, sending it skidding across the pavement. He hated feeling helpless and powerless... And alone... He hated that he couldn't control his own life, no matter how much he trys, couldn't get good grades on school assessments and exams, couldn't even get his best friend in the entire world to have a single care about him. But as he sat there, staring at the rain, something inside him shifted. He was tired of feeling sorry for himself. Tired of being a victim of circumstance. He wanted to take control of his life, to make something of himself, but just as that thought crossed his mind a familiar person sat by his side. He knew who it was and he hated it, hated him right now. "Hey, Naruto." A banen replied "What do you want, bastard?" The blonde replied coldly, Sasuke didn't reply for a moment, staring out at the rain. Then he turned to look at the blonde. "I heard you." The raven replied "What?"  "I heard what you said to the teachers. I wasn't going to say anything but... it was actually pretty awesome." "If you mean stupid, then no. Not awesome." "Either way, I can't say I'm not impressed." "Whatever." "I really wish you'd stop putting yourself down every time you're complimented, Naruto." Sasuke rubbed his shoulder against his best friend's. "... Well, maybe I'm trying to tell you that I don't want your compliments, Sasuke." "I'm saying it because I mean it." The raven replied and wrapped his arm around his waist making Naruto blush a bit but he pushed though it. "What do you think your doing?! Get your hands of me right now you Asshole!" Naruto shouted at him and stood up standing in the rain. "You've always been so weak, so pathetic, you can't even stand up for yourself, can you?" Naruto stared at him as he said this "Why can't you ever accept a compliment? I thought you would have gotten over this by now. I'm your best friend, do you have to lie to my face? Is it that much of a hassle for you to acknowledge that I actually care about you?" Sasuke sighed and stood up. "You don't care about me!" Naruto shouted. "Is that what you think?" Sasuke yelled angrily, grabing his collar, now both boys were standing in the rain. Naruto looked away, staring at the ground."I've been trying to tell you the same thing since the moment I met you. I do care about you. You're my best friend." "So why do you keep treating me like shit?" Sasuke flinched at the harsh words, but Naruto didn't care. He knew that he had to get his point across."One minute your my best friend, then the next seccond you treat me like complete crap!! Like im worthless, like im nothing!! Then the next minute your all flirty with me! And then you have the 'right' to call me your 'best freind?' Your pathetic Sasuke! Thinking that you can put me down and PLAY with my feelings like you do!" Naruto screamed at him through the tears an the pain that lingered in his heart. Sasuke did not answer, just stood there and took the verbal abuse, shrouded in the shadow of the pouring rain. "Do you know how much it hurts to have someone say that they care about you, but then you find out that they don't really? I've never really had anyone care about me before you, Sasuke. Not really, not like you mean it anyway. I've just been wishing, hoping that you would treat me as a person without blame and be more of a brother to me. "I don't understand why you can't see that I care about you just as much as you do me." Sasuke raised his hands to touch his 'friends' face while saying this. "People who really care about you don't treat you like shit and make you feel TERRIBLE. I hate it when you treat me like crap. I hate it when you act like I'm some stupid little kid who doesn't matter to you." Naruto began to cry as he let it all out and let Sasuke carres his cheek. "You're amazing, and you're my best friend... I'm so sorry I never showed it... If im being completely honest I have been having some family issues... But im sorry... Thats not an excuse for my behavior... Please Naruto. Give me another chance to prove that im a worthy 'friend' " Sasuke hugged him "Thats the problem Sasuke... I dont want to be friends anymore." The words that came out of his mouth felt like it shot him right in the heart "what... What do you mean?!" Sasuke said pulling away. "Ive... Ive always loved you... But you never showed interest to me or my feelings..." Naruto strutted a bit and looked down tears straining in his eyes. "I can show you my feelings Naruto!" Sasuke said as he gripped his hands tightly. "Then show me." Sasuke didn't answer and instead leaned in, kissing the boy softly. Naruto returned the kiss, realizing that the man before him really did care about him and that he didn't have to be alone. They both kissed through the rain, and it was the most amazing kiss they ever shared. "I love you sasuke..." Naruto hugged him tightly. "I love you to dobe..." Sasuke hugged back just as lovingly.

Please tell me if you want more of these types of stories with some lemon in them :D

Love yas xx

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