Gym sessions and sparing.

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Sasuke was up at 5 am cooking protein pancakes for himself and Naruto because today was the day they both went to the gym. Sasuke loved the thought of doing something for his body like exercising it even though it's in top notch but Naruto.. let's just say he has some trouble getting up early.

Sasuke flipped the pancake and put it one the plate for Naruto along with another pancake for his plate. He walked up stairs to wake his boyfriend up he got to the room and opened the door quietly it was still dark considering it was like 5:30am he walked over to his lover "Baby..." the raven cooed his name Naruto just ruffled around in bed. Sasuke feels like the morning Naruto is the most cutest of them all his golden ruffled locks in his eyes and his sleepily face was just adorable. "Mhm..." Naruto continued ruffling in the bed till Sasuke shook him slightly. "Babe it's time to get up, here going to the gym." Sasuke whispered to him in the ear and kisses his face "Uagh.. do we have to..." Naruto groaned "Yeah babe you need to get stronger." Just as Sasuke said that Naruto shot up and punched him in the jaw "Never tell your boyfriend that he needs to get stronger! And how was that for 'weak'" Naruto yelled at him and chucked, Sasuke was just on the ground holding his jaw in pain, that was a mistake... Naruto got up scratched his butt I frount of Sasuke and walked to the wardrobe and shut the door behind him "Ow!" Sasuke mumbled and walked down stairs again to eat. Naruto got dressed into some Nike basketball orange shorts then a gray loose active shirt. He ruffled his hair and grabbed a pair of socks then walked down stairs to be met with a yummy smell of pancakes he saw his boyfriend with a bruise on his jaw line. "Aww baby did I actually hurt you." Naruto said sadly grabbing his face gently and looking over the hit spot "Well no shit, you fucking punched me in the jaw." Sasuke grumbled and continued to eat. "I'm sorry..." Naruto felt really bad but he didn't mean to go this far. Naruto went over to Sasuke and kissed his booboo along with licking it a bit to apologise. "Naruto that's enough." Sasuke said as he blushed. Sasuke kissed naruto on the lips "Good morning, an offical one." He said as he sighed.

After eating breaky they got in sasukes black mustang with a bag filled with 2 protein bars, 2 water bottles and 2 towels to use on the gym equipment. Naruto brang his headphones. After driving about 10-15 minutes they arrived at they're local gym, since it was early there were barely anyone there. "Come on, shall we?" Sasuke said smirking and getting out of the car "Yes we shall." Naruto said as he grabbed the bag filled with things and walked beside his lover into the gym. When they got in there Naruto put the bag down. "What do you wanna do today? Legs, upper body or?" Sasuke questioned "Hmm I wanna do a bit of everything but I will be doing mostly cardio so yeah." He said as he looked at his phone and connected his music to his headphones "Oh ok then, I'm going to do weight lifting first." Sasuke responded giving Naruto a kiss in the cheek and went over to the warm up things before he officially started. Naruto went over to the rowing machine and began his workout. After awhile he moved over to the stair machine and began to walk up with stairs.

Back with Sasuke...
Sasuke just did pull ups as he watched his blonde walk up those stairs, that plump ass jiggling a bit was so turning him on. He walked over to the bag near naruto and grabbed out a bottle of water and began to sip it as he still watched naruto next he was going over to the running machine. Sasuke put the water down and went over to put some weights on the weight lifting bar he layed down but then realised he needed a spotter "Naruto!" Sasuke shouted across the room to get his blondes attention which was granted when he looked around his shoulder and walked over to him "Yeah?" He asked "Can you spot for me please babe?" He said while sitting on the seat of the machine holding his waist "Yeah sure." He said as he stood behind the machine Sasuke layed down and looked up at Naruto, looking at his crotch "Oi pervert! Are we doing this or not?!" Naruto gently slapped sasukes face and brung his attention back "Oh yeah haha." Sasuke smirked and chuckled he grabbed the bar and began to lift it up and down. "11..." Naruto counted he got to about 15 and began to struggled "If I get to 20 you have to give me and passionate kiss!" Sasuke told naruto and Naruto just nodded and laughed and just like that he made it to 20 but then couldn't lift it back up "Naruto!" Sasuke stayed calm and asked Naruto to lift it off but he couldn't because Naruto doesn't normally lift this much weight and he freaked out "Coming!" He shouted and ran around he sat on sasukes waist on the machine and used all his strength to lift it off, luckily he did. "Holy shit! Now that was to close Sasuke! Don't do that again!" Naruto shouted worriedly at his lover "baby I'm fine!!" Sasuke protested and he sat up and held Naruto's waist "That kiss?" Sasuke smirked and Naruto rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah." Naruto said as he grabbed sasukes face and kissed it deeply. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's butt and that made him gasp this gave Sasuke time to slide his tongue in and explored his wet cavern "Mhmm..." Naruto moaned and they broke apart in a gasp "There happy?" Naruto said looking him in the eyes and smiling "Definitely!" Sasuke said as he hugged him. Naruto got up and went back to doing cardio then moved over to the pull ups and push ups while Sasuke did some work on his calve muscles. After that the 2 both got out there boxing gloves Naruto got out the sparring gloves while Sasuke got the black ones. They got into position and Naruto began sparring Sasuke "Come on sasuke try to hit me, I'll dive it with the glove." Naruto said "No I'm not doing that, do you know how hard I hit?" Sasuke said refusing. "Oh come on!" Naruto pleaded "Fine! But if you get hurt I'm not showing you any sympathy!" Sauske said getting ready to hit. He began and Naruto kept dodging it with the gloves. After awhile they switched "Come on Naruto harder!" Sasuke pushed him harder "I'm.. trying!" Naruto said as he went harder "Come on!" Sasuke continued shouting at him "Let's go harder come on hit me like you hit me this morning! Come on baby!" Sasuke shouted at the sweating blonde man he did look kinda hot. "Naruto thought he would test how good sasukes reflexes were and aimed for the crotch which Sasuke stopped just in time "Oi! Stop fighting dirty!" Sasuke shouted at him and laughed being a bit serious. Naruto just kept hitting at him leaning his blind spots every time then he gave one hell of a hit but Sasuke dodged it with the glove "No, Stop being an ass!" Sasuke yelled. "That's enough..." Sasuke stared daggers at Naruto and Naruto just laughed "Ok can we go home now?" Naruto said as he hugged Sasuke lovingly "Yeah come on." Sasuke rolled his eyes as he pryed naruto off him. The 2 both grabbed the bag and went home

The end! Please remember to give me some ideas I'm always open for requests! Xx Chilli 💜

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