Surviving is winning...

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Warning thoughts of suicide

Naruto stood at the edge of the roof in the wind as the lights from the city lit up the streets of city centre. Cars honking, people yelling, sirens and a whole lot of noises rang the cold night air. "Isnt this pertty..." Naruto's voice rung in the silent roof top air. "What?" A raven said standing behind him. "The lights of the city down below... I cant believe i get to see this before I go." Naruto said turning around with watering eyes. "What are you talking about Naruto?! What are you going to do?!" Sasuke yelled at him scared at his next action.

Naruto's smile faded into a serious expression as he looked back at Sasuke. "I'm going to end it all tonight," he said, his voice cold and timidSasuke's heart skipped a beat as he stepped towards Naruto, his eyes wide with fear. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice shaking."Surviving is winning Sasuke, everything else is bullshit. Fairy tales spun by people to afraid to look life in the eyes. I'm tired of this life, Sasuke. I'm tired of the pain, the loneliness, the constant struggle. I can't take it anymore," Naruto replied, his voice growing more and more distant. "I guess I lost then... The game and the life im in... Didn't I?" Naruto said as sobs could be heard as he held his head.Sasuke could feel tears welling up in his eyes as he realized what Naruto was planning. "No! You can't do this! You have so much to live for!" he pleaded. "What is there to live much longer for... My parents are dead... My biggest mentor is dead because of murder and... I cant even look after myself..." Sasuke could feel his heart tearing apart as his best friend was about to jump off the building to his death, something he had many times over the last three years ever since Naruto moved in. Sasuke felt helpless, he had lost all hope when it came to Naruto and it was now down to him to save the boy. To save the person who had saved him time and time again, who had taught him the true meaning of friendship, who had even started to show Sasuke why love was important in life. "Stop it you idiot! I love you! Both life and death can be horrible if you do it alone! You don't have to do this alone Naruto!" shouted Sasuke at him as he stepped forward.Naruto looked up at Sasuke, tears in his eyes. "I wish I could say it... But a person like me can't put those terrible and contagious words in my mouth." Naruto said turning back around to take a big breath of fresh air into his lungs and prepare himself mentaly. But he was garbed by the shoulder and hugged. "I love you, you Basted! I always have! Your my everything and I want to give you the world... DONT LEAVE ME NOW IDIOT!" Naruto froze and turned around to look at Sasuke. Did he really just say that... Again? Did Sasuke really say that? Sasuke continued to cling to Naruto tightly and run his hand through his blonde hair. Sasuke was never really a guy who liked to show his feelings. Hell he was never really a guy who liked to show his feelings period, but he knew he had to start showing them to Naruto somehow, someway. "I... I... I... You will always be my best friend. You are my family, you are the person I care most about. I cant lose you... I just... I just cant! I Love You... I want to spend the rest of my life with you!" Naruto felt his heart warm from the coldness it embedded a few years ago. as he heard Sasuke tell him those things. He felt his tears dry up and he hugged Sasuke back. "I love you too Sasuke..." he said.They stood there hugging on the roof top, their hearts in much better places. "Do you know what the real meaning of a miracle is?" he asked Naruto. "No, what?" Sasuke took a deep breath before answering. "It's when two people, who have been through hell and back, find each other and decide to stay together despite all the shit that the world throws at them. That's a miracle, Naruto. And that's what we have."Naruto looked up at Sasuke, his face wet from tears but now with a small smile. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We are a miracle. And I don't want to lose that."Sasuke pulled back from the hug, his hands still resting on Naruto's shoulders. "Let's go home, Naruto. We'll face everything together. The good, the bad, and the ugly. We'll face it all as a team."Naruto nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He didn't have to face the world alone anymore. He had Sasuke by his side. They turned to leave the roof together, their hands clasped tightly but then Naruto halted before walking into the elevator. "Whats up Naruto?" Sasuke said looking back at him. But he was met with a soft kiss on the lips. "I love you. Thank you for saving me..." Naruto whispered to him lightly. "All good, I will always be here for you Naruto no matter what happens in this world.

The end! Hope you enjoyed! I just got this weird idea so don't judge!!

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