A day at the pool

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Boarding school AU (Modern) Dont judge school names because I spent ages looking for a school LOL... couldn't be able to proof read I was to lazy. 😂 Enjoy my loves

Today was finally the day where Naruto's boarding school would visit Sasuke's school for a social that they were planning with the school for months. Naruto and Sasuke have barely seen eachother for a couple of months due to the exams of grade 12 and the school responsibilities espicelly since it was a new year and they had to show the newbies around the school and help them out with finding classes and meeting new people, so naruto was really nervous about what sasuke would think about him. Has he changed or has Naruto changed?? Naruto has been boarding for a couple of years, started in grade 10 so 2 years, sasuke has been boarding at his school for 3 years but they met in grade 10 then so became lovers ever since a dance that the school hosted. Konoha private school and Nada private school have been 'brother schools' for the past 365 years of them standing so there were alot of things hosted.

Present time, Night before social

Naruto could hear the girls running from the other dorm across the path from the boys dorm they're probably excited about seeing the boys tomorrow at the social. "NARUTO!" Kiba yelled from down the hall "Yo?!" Naruto called from the bed he was laying on in his single room "COME HERE!" He yelled again, Naruto grumbled and got up out of his comfy spot "Yes dog breath whats wrong?" Naruto teased "Wanna watch a movie?" He said as he got up from his bed and walked to the common room (a room with a couch and a tv a communal area!) "ugh sure." he said as he put his phone in his pocket and sat on the couch sitting next to the brunette. After awhile of the movie playing he got a call from someone he picked it up "Hey Sasuke!" Naruto greeted being a bit quiet because he didnt want dog breath to be annoyed. "Hey babe, are you coming to the social? Cant wait to see you..." He asked from the phone into Narutos ear, "Hey, yeah I am..." Narutos voice trailed off. To be honest he was scared shitless, even though he was 16 he hasn't seen his lover in lover 2 months, what if he got new friends and forgot about him, what if sasuke even liked someone else? He knew sasuke didnt forget his own boyfriend because he still called him sweet names and rung him some times, but it still hurt and lingered in his mind about what ifs. "You ok? Sorry I haven't been contacting you lately I have been busy with new kids and theres this one boy thats been pissing me off too." Sasuke said as he sighed "Yeah im ok, just tired and I dont feel 100%... Whats with the boy?" Naruto said rubbing his temples and breathing out "Hes been bugging me for EVER to date him but I keep saying that im taken but he can't seem to take it!" Sasuke said stern into the phone "yeah well if I see him i'll punch him in the face and beat his ass up!" naruto yelled and started Kiba sitting next to him, kiba gestured to shut up but naruto simply ignored his requeust. "Hahaha, I knew you would say that, Love you, see you tomorrow." "Yeah see ya..." Naruto said and hung up "Who was that?" Kiba asked "Oh just a friend!" naruto said trying to cover up his tracks, the response that was given was just a nod. Naruto didnt tell anyone that he was gay or had a boyfriend, sasuke was the most hottest boy at his school and if they knew that B grader was dating a A+ grader (Uchiha Sasuke) They would go nuts, sasuke told his friends but naruto didnt do it, but sasuke didnt know that sadly. "Im tired Kiba, im going to bed." Naruto mumbled and left to his room but before he could lay down on his bed, he remember that he had to pack for the social tomorrow. "Ughh!' Naruto grumbled as he stoddled over to his wardrobe and pulled out a pair of Konoha School shorts, he normally weared them when he played rugby to show his school but he was feeling fancy, he also grabed a singlet to wear there but planned to take it off once he got in the water. he did look hot, sasuke was gonna die of hotness... "Done!" he said flopping on his bed. "And goodnight!" Naruto said. After awhile his eyes started feeling heavey and he fell alseep.

Morning (Social Day)

He awoke a a loud baging of frying pans and loud chants down the hall way, the boys would normally be animals and chuck balls around ressle with eachother and be total dicks, Naruto was one of them but did keep to himself sometimes "Music to my ears!" He said and got up to go chant with the boys "Naruto was a bit popular in his school, Uzumaki Naruto was a name heard of by EVERYONE. "KIBA!" Naruto shouted and jumped on his friend "Uaghh! Naruo!" Kiba yelled tossing a pillow at him and buring his head deeper into the pillow "GET UPPP!!" Naruto yelled again this time in his ear.

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