One sick Sasuke

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It was currently 1am and Sasuke still wasn't back from the pub, Naruto was getting worried that he might be lost or gotten into a fight. "Where is that asshat! He said he would be back by 11 and it's now 1!" Naruto mumbled as he sat at the kitchen table staring at the door. He was going to be ready when Sasuke comes home to give him a yell at. Next minute the door come flying open to a drunk Sasuke. "Sasuke what the hell! It's like 1am!" Naruto shouted at his husband. Before he could get any sense into him he passed out. "Great you asshole! Now I have to carry your ass upstairs!" Naruto pouted and wrapped his arms around his waist and carried him bridal style up stairs. Naruto put him in bed. "No way I'm sleeping with him tonight he'll probably vomit or something later." Naruto mumbled and walked to the spare room and fell asleep.

Sasuke's eyes immediately opened and he ran to the bathroom, he vomited. "Aww I did I drink so much last night..." he said as he sweat with half lidded eyes and saliva dribbling out of his mouth. He whipped his mouth and got into the shower. 'Wonder where Naruto is.' He thought
Naruto on the other hand was peacefuly sleeping until he heard things being knocked over and a vomiting noise then the shower running. "Oh well I did tell him didn't I?" Naruto said while snuggling back into his bed. But couldn't get back to sleep when he heard a bang in the shower. His concerned boyfriend personality came back and he ran to his room and into the bathroom. "SASUKE!" He yelled to see that sasuke had slipped over in the shower "ugh my head!" Sasuke said and gipped the back of his head "Naruto?" "Yeah babe I'm here." Naruto sighed knowing that his lover hadn't killed himself.. yet. He bent down to sasukes level and gripped his locks gently and then tightly "owww! What the hell!" "You dickhead I told you not to drink so much last night. You won't be getting any sympathy from me now." After a while of buicking and getting dressed Naruto put Sasuke back into bed "Sweet I don't feel so good..." Sasuke said lightly "Yeah I know it's called a hung over." He sighed and then put his hand on Sasukes head "Holy shit your burning up!" Naruto shouted as he ran down to get a bowl with ice water in it and a cloth, he came back up and put it on Sasukes forehead. Now that he looked at it, his boyfriend didn't look so good he was panting quietly and he was sweating "Dobe I'm fine I just need sleep." The raven said and caressed his lovers cheek. "No your really sick and you look like crap!" He said and slapped Sasukes hand of his face "Wow dobe that makes me feel so good and what we're you saying 'You won't be getting any sympathy from me!'" Sasuke said in a mocking way on the last sentence. Naruto came in close to his face "do you want my help to get better or not?" He said and smirked "What type of help are you talking about though?" Said the raven smirking and giving Naruto a wink Naruto flushed a crimson red "You teme!" He said and hit Sasuke on the arm, Sasuke laughed hard. "I'm going to get some medicine for you please have a nap and try to relax for once in your life." Naruto said and was about to walk out of the door but was interrupted "So no goodbye kiss?" Sasuke said sadly "No." Was all Naruto said before walking out. "Cranky dobe..." Sasuke mumbled under his breath and went to sleep.

Naruto walked down stairs and slipped on some shoes and walked out of the door to the medicine shop. He was to focused on getting some medicine for Sasuke that he totally ignored Sakura and was punished with a- "OW what the fuck!" Naruto said putting his hands on his head and jumped around in pain. "Naruto, answer me next time I talk to you!" Sakura yelled at her old team mate. "Ugh seriously..." he said and looked away grumpily "I asked what you were doing here because I never see you up this early and I know for a fact that your not going to the office today so what are you doing?" Sakura said crossing her arms "I'm going to get medicine for that asshat of mine because he stayed up at the pub last night and now he's sick and hung over." Naruto pouted head still hurting. "Oh well that's not very good." She laughed "What are you doing Sakura that must be so important that your dressed up for?" Naruto teased and smirked "Idiot! It's me and Hinatas 8 month anniversary today so I'm out getting her some flowers and chocolate!" She pouted. "And what did you do for your anniversary uh?" She said angrily "well let's just say I couldn't walk in the morning..." Naruto said and scratched the back of his head with a blush. "Well I better get going! Bye" Naruto said running away to continue his mission.
After getting the medicine he came back home and cooked Sasuke some soup. Naruto walked back up the stairs to a sleeping Sasuke. "Babe." Naruto said and the raven woke up and sat on the head board "your back, fineally" Sasuke said teasing. "Sorry I ran into Sakura.." he said feeling bad that he took so long. Naruto put the soup on the bedside table but before Naruto could make another move he was being lifted up and being seated on sasukes lap legs either side of his legs. "Sasuke what are you doing." He sighed before he could get off him he was being pulled into a tender kiss that quickly escalated to a passionate kiss. "Mhm.." Naruto put his hands into sasukes sweaty locks and kissed him deeper while Sasuke wrapped his arms around his waist. "I'm sorry for not coming back in time naru..." he said as he kissed Naruto's neck "I-it's ok..." he mumbled and gasped as Sasuke kissed his sweat spot. "Mhmm" Sasuke slipped his hands into his lovers shirt and played with his nipples. Naruto moaned at the sudden sensation. "Sas-uke.." Naruto moaned. Sasuke moved his hands lower into his pants but Naruto stopped him. "Babe no your sick.. let's do something less touchy..." Naruto said breathing heavily. He grinded his erection into his boyfriends and kept increasing until Sasuke jolted his hips up and and Naruto moaned even louder. After a while of grinding and moaning they both came. After that they shared a sweet kiss and had a shower together. Then Sasuke are and took his meds and they fell asleep peacefully. "I love you Naruto..." Sasuke said as he spooned his lover "me too..."

The end!
I hope you guys enjoyed this! This is my first time writing a bit of lemon but I feel like I needed to as this stuff is a bit out of my comfort zone. I need some inspo! Xx Chilli 💜

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