Soccer practice

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Naruto was in his room getting ready to go to soccer practice for the afternoon. He got his high soccer socks, school sport pants and a grey gym shirt. He normally used that for workouts but he had nothing else to wear considering all his clothes are in the dryer. "Naruto honey are you almost done getting ready? Hurry up please he also have to drop your sister off to netball!" The red head female yelled from the hallway. Naruto knew that was his cue to get his sport bag and water bottle, he got outside his door, closed it shut and walked down the hall to the kitchen where his sister was there in her netball dress with her water bottle and his mother with her purse under her armpit and her Sunny's on along with her black high heels and black work suit on. Kushina worked long hours in the afternoons, she was a high rank supervisor in the bank. "Hurry up come on!" Nuruko shouted at him as Naruto filled his water up at the automatic water dispenser on the fridge along with putting some ice in it of course. The family all walked out to they're dodge charger. Kushina was a fan of old cars, so was Minato so that was the car they normally drove around. "Are u excited?" Naruto poked his younger sisters cheek. "Well duh, are you stupid? We're versing the lions team! If we win we will get into the CQ champs!" Naruko shouted slapping her 16 year old brothers hand away. "Naruko please be a bit kinder to your brother..." her mum mumbled as she focused on the traffic that was in frount of her, Naruko scoffed and rolled her eyes. "How bout you Nii-san?" She said in a kinder way this time. "Well this is just a training but turns out there's new people that are going to be playing games with us from now on." Naruto said focusing on the buildings outside of the window as they drove to the outskirts of the city to drop Naruto off. "Well that's great honey! You can make new friends!" Kushina said looking in the rear view mirror. At her son. "Yeah mum I know you don't like kiba..." Naruto scoffed and sighed as he looked at his mum in the mirror. She sighed and continued to drive "Well mama I like Kiba, he's cool!" Naruko said as she cheered enthusiastically. They both laughed.

After awhile of driving they arrived and Naruto got out with his bag "See you at 7 mum. Goodluck." And with that he shut the door and walked to the field where he saw a familiar group of friends. "Hey boys!" Naruto shouted and high fived the 3 boys that were talking "Hey Naruto!" Shikamaru said as he high-fived "Oi maki!!!" Kiba shouted and playfully punched him in the gut. Naruto got winded a bit but started to playfully fight when the other pulled them up. "Boys stop!" Neji said as he pushed them apart. Before anyone could protest a loud shouting could be heard from across the field. "Team meeting." Neji said as he started walking over there. The boys were just pushing eachother around as they were walking over to the coach's with unfamiliar people standing in a group. But what really caught the blonde's eye was a tall, muscular raven that stood out from the crowd. "Now everyone, Kiba, Shikamaru..." The coach said eyeing down the 2 boys that weren't paying attention. "As you all know, it's a new season and there will be a couple new people joining us this year or for some of us the season. Please make them feel at home with us and apart of the warmups and games." Coach said as he crossed his arms looking everyone. "Yes can do sir!" Naruto said standing like a soldier as a joke. The raven eyed him down, it looked like he was checking him out... "Naruto, this is no time for your funniness and sarcasm." The coach said rubbing his temples. Naruto always got on the coaches nerves but he got used to it considering narutos been playing for years. "Yeah Naruto!" Ino said as she slapped his head. "Owww!" Naruto wined at the sudden sting on his head. A light smile spread on the ravens face, it wasn't normal for him to show his emotions but for this Naruto person it was easy for him. "Everyone bibs." He split them up in 2 groups a bib group and a non bib group, this would be the teams for the game. "Everyone huddle around." Naruto called for people that have bibs on. Shikamaru began explaining the tactics of the game to the newbies and some already knew how to play soccer. They all yeped and spread out across the field. Naruto was standing across the field from that raven dude in the middle, 'he must of played before this conistering that hes in the centre..' Naruto thought as he eyed the ball down about to be kicked by him.

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