Ealry mornings and Buisness kisses

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This is how the wardrobe looks 💜

An early morning rose once again for the 2 boys. "Uagnh!" Sasuke groaned as he tryed to get up out of the Silky bed "Just 5 more minutes!" Naruto pleaded beside him clinging onto his waist "Babe I have to get to work..." The raven said as he got up off the bed  making the blondes hands uncling from  the ravens waist. The raven walked over to the big closet that had suits hanging up, normal clothes in draws and shoes on a shoe stands. Naruto looked at the clock on the side of the bedside table "5 AM JESUS! What time does work start for you?!" Said a shocked Naruto. Normally Sasuke starts at 8 and finish's at 10 but what made today so special that he had to get up 3 hours earlier? "Yeah... I have a meeting at work and won't be back until like I don't know 8 at night." He said while slipping a velvet dress shirt on and some black dress pants along with a black jacket, can't forget the grey tie. "Ugh." Naruto pouted going down stairs. "Jeez what's that dobes problem?" He chuckled a bit as he mumbled because if Naruto heard he would be going to work beat up. After he finished combing his hair and getting his black locks into a Sasuke Uchiha hairstyle he sprayed some clonge and grabbed a pair of grey shoes and went down stairs to be caught with the blonde sitting on the couch with a fluffy blanket over his lap. "Tv already baby?" The raven said questioning the blondes decision "Well yeah I don't start work till like 8 so I got a few hours to kill." He said not taking his eyes of the tv "hn" was all the raven said as he got out a few tomato's and munched on them while watching the news that was on the tv leaning against the kitchen counter. He finished his early morning snack and went behind the blonde leant down and whispered something in his ear "I'm going now love you." He whispered "Love you too sweetheart and you smell nice..." he sniffed and then turned his head the make his hand grab the ravens cheek and kissed him passionately. "Thanks."' He said while smirking at the comment.  He stood up and ruffled his husbands hair and walked to the car garage he went to the safe and grabbed out the keys for his black mustang that was near an orange suped up mustang. That one was for Naruto he loved cars so much it was like his hobby, and got in and started it and drove away. When he got to work he was instantly put in a meeting with some brand that wanted him to advertise some clothing. Back with Naruto...

A few hours past and just about time Naruto started getting ready for work. He turned off the tv and walked up the stairs to his closet on the opposite side of sasukes. He grabbed out a white work shirt, dull orange blazer and black dress pants along with white shoes. He dressed up and he looked HOT. Sasuke was going to freak when he saw him. Now for the final touches he rolled up the blazer and the shirt to his elbow then grabbed his gray watch and put it in his left hand then some good bracelets on his right hand going up his arm then on his wrist. He ruffled his hair then put some cologne on different then sasukes, a more sweeter smell, it was sasukes favourite. Naruto worked at his husbands business but ran the south and east side of the company. While Sasuke managed the north and west. After getting ready he walked down stairs and grabbed a apple and walked to the garage to grab out his orange mustangs keys. "Hey my beautiful baby!" He said hugging his baby, in other words car... "ready for a drive? Then I'll take you for a drive along the coast!" He said excitingly. Naruto got into his car started it and drive away. Back with Sasuke...

After a long meeting Sasuke was back in his office with his coffee that Shizune made up for him but then heard a faint engine pulling into the building he immediately knew it was Naruto who else would have a souped up mustang with loud exhaust? Sasuke chuckled knowing he was going to get greeted. But before anything he got notified that there was another meeting he was required to be at... the same meeting he's been putting off for a week. "Ugh this..." he grumbled and walked out with his coffee to his meeting room. Today it was with his brother and a few other Uchiha's to discuss expanding the business he did not want to do that figuring he was one of the largest businesses in Japan he was comfortable with being as he was but his family relatives didn't seem to respect his decision. He made his way to the meeting room to be greeted by them all "Hello Sasuke. Long time no see!" Itachi said patting a seat beside him "Hello everyone." He mumbled and sat down in the seat his brother gestured for him to sit at. "Ok let the meeting proceed!" Yelled another Uchiha sitting at another chair. A few minutes past and there was bicking all over the room "I said I don't want to dad! What part of that is so fucking hard to understand!" Sasuke yelled as he slumped back in his chair angrily "Sasuke you aren't thinking bout this reasonably. Get your head out of your ass and listen to us!" Yelled his father back to him. "Oh fucking hell-" Yelled Sasuke even louder then the door swung open revealing a nicely dressed blonde holding a cup of coffee in his right hand and his phone in the left hand. "Uh I gotta go now, sort that thing out otherwise I'll kick your ass!" Yelled Naruto into the phone then putting it in his pocket Sasuke just stared at the god like person that seemed to put him in complete shock "Fagaku! Mikoto! Hello!" He said as he ran over to them and held there hands ."Oh hello there Naruto!" The women greeted him nicely. "You look very handsome today!" She added "Hello Naruto!" Yelled the man standing up and giving him a manly hug patting him on the back Naruto doing the same. He greeted the rest of the Uchiha's and Sasuke, he looked like he was daydreaming about something and blushing very hard while staring at Naruto but pulled himself together and put on his angry look like he was going to kill someone. "Aww what's Sasuke baby angry about?" Questioned Naruto sadly. After explaining everything "Yeah so Sasukes just being an asshole." Said Itachi "Well yeah because I don't agree!" Sasuke yelled slamming his palms on the desk looking away from Naruto just in case he is memorised by him again, Naruto just walked over to Sasuke gently grabbing him by the shoulders gently and leaning to his ear "Come on sweetheart.. It would benefit us a lot and we could be the best... and then after work we could... ya know I could go past the linguine store... and get something special for tonight?..." Naruto whispering to his husband. Sasuke immediately smirked "ok then baby. You got yourself a deal." Naruto immediately blushed at what Sasuke had replied with. The raven then cleared his throat "Ok then Itachi, I will expand the business. But this is the last time I'm doing it for atleast 10 years or so!" Sasuke put a finger up and winked at Naruto before facing to his family "Oh my holy gosh Naruto! How on earth did you change his mind? He's been putting this meeting off for ages!" Mikoto gasped "Haha I'm a good persuader.." naruto said as he scratched the back of his neck "Anyway this meetings is done." Sasuke said as he grabbed Naruto's wrist and dragged him from the office to his office when they got there Sasuke slammed the door and trapped naruto between the door and himself with his hands either side of the blondes head "You look so hot baby..." he said as he attacked Naruto's neck with deep loving kisses. Whenever Sasuke showed Naruto love, it wouldn't be rough and fast it would be slow and lovingly so Naruto knew how much Sasuke valued him, some times, it would kill Naruto and he would beg for his life to go faster but Sasuke simply declined. Naruto moaned and grabbed sasukes face and kissed him passionately when they broke apart there was a string of salvia as they parted "Sweet wanna save this till we get home?" Naruto said Sasuke just grumbled as he let go of his precious blonde "Fine..." he angrily said he was frustrated, sexually frustrated to be exact and his little friend wasn't helping down there! After Naruto fixing up his collar and composure "well I'll be on my way back to my office, remember be nice and love you." He smiled lightly "Aren't I always?" Sasuke said Naruto gave a 'Oh really do you now?' look. And the blonde left.

After long hours in the office Naruto and Sasuke were finally done with work, normally Naruto would walk to sasukes office but today Sasuke greeted Naruto at his office and left together after awhile of walking and taking elevators they finally made it to the ground floor where the staff parking was but before Naruto could get into his car Sasuke stopped the door from opening, Naruto gave him a confusing look. "Now remember what you were going to do before you got home?" Sasuke declared proudly while smirking and getting closer to Naruto "Yes Sasuke if I don't leave now it will shut." The blonde rolled his eyes as he pushed his clingy lover off him. "Yeah love you to!" He said walking away and shouting, Naruto just chuckled at his action and continued getting into the car. While driving home he passed 'the' store and pulled up to buy that stuff that he stupidly agreed to oh hell he was in for it when he got home. "Hello there!" A women said "Oh uh hi." Naruto always seems to get a bit shy in these stores considering it was for women "What can I help you with this evening?" The women said behind the counter "Oh uhh I was coming here to buy some linguine I was thinking maybe velvet?" Naruto blushed embarrassed "Oh hahaha yes is it for your girlfriend, she must be a very lucky girl considering a handsome fella like you." She said while leading Naruto over to the straps and soft lacey fabrics. "Umm about that it's acturally for me..." Naruto sighed a bit looking down embarrassed "Oh... I see..." the women's mood immediately changed and went into a disgusting look with a scold. Naruto could tell she didn't like the idea of selling him clothes but she went along with it anyway avoiding any talking and trying not to help but still trying to be polite. After awhile of looking Naruto found a velvet lacy top along with some panties." (This is weird to write.. 😂) "This is all for today please." Naruto said putting the items of the counter. "Yeah.. ok." He said not even looking up at him or saying thing else. "Bitch..." Naruto said under his breath as he walked out. Naruto got in his car and drove back to his house. It was dark and the outside lamps dimmed the path from the grage to the house "I'm in for it ayy..." Naruto mumbled. He got out of his car and unlocked the frount door and went inside and chucked the keys on the kitchen counter. He went up stairs to get changed when he saw Sasuke "Hey baby." Sasuke said lustfuly "hey..." Naruto mumbled trying to avoid his husband as much as possible to at least get changed and to freshen up. Sasuke just followed him, he ignored it and went in to change "Lay on the bed, I'll be back." He winked at him as Sasuke just chucked and layed on the bed. Naruto got changed into the linguine and then came out to Sasuke in just his boxers with a mad blush on his checks and a smirk, Naruto was pretty embarrassed because he's never been in one of these things before let alone with someone watching him. Naruto came and sat on sasukes waist while he laid down the blonde palmed his face to hide his blush of embarrassment "Hey, hey, baby you look so hot, cute and sexy right now... nothing to be embarrassed about..." the raven said sitting up and kissing his neck with his hands on his waist. Naruto moaned a bit "Sasuke... I want you so bad..." Naruto moaned as he kissed Sasuke hard "Yeah honey, we will get there... I wanna show you how much I love you...." Sasuke said and began to suck on his neck, Naruto moaned even louder as sasukes hands traveled up his back and to his chest and played with his nipples. Naruto grinder his crotch on sasukes boxers that have something poking out from them. "Naruto quickly pulled down sasukes boxes and took of his nickers and quickly sat on his member with a yelp "Ahhh!" Naruto yelled in pain and pleasure "Baby! You didn't even let me stretch you out first!" Sasuke yelled at the shocking move Naruto made on him and checked if he was ok "I couldn't wait anymore..." Naruto mumbled Sasuke just sighed and run his hands though his blondes hair and kissed his nose. "Let's do this? You wanna ride me?" Sasuke said questioning Naruto nodded and began to bounce "Ahhhhhh!!" Naruto moaned in pain and pleasure biting his lip. Naruto began to speed up as the bounces getting more quicker and Sasuke guiding him up and down Naruto moaned louder and louder until Sasuke jolted him hips up with Naruto was about to come down. "S-sas-uke!!!! Ahhhh!!!" Naruto moaned as he curled his toes and sasuke moaned a bit too sasuke grabbed Naruto member and began to pump it getting faster and faster until Naruto was sweating like crazy and was a moaning mess. Naruto just bounced harder as ever as he kept wanting more of this unbearable pleasure he was receiving, he fineally came with a loud scream of sasukes name and fainted on him. They both fell asleep.

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