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He Chang walked towards the two beings in the middle of the imperial palace's pond.

When he was on the tree, guarding the pavilion, he saw the small white figure creeping out of the place sneakily.

He didn't want to bother at first but he was reminded of Ruo An's words when she said she did not want Xiang Ning to suffer even the littlest grievances, only then did he decided to follow silently from behind.

Xiang Ning stared at He Chang, biting his red lips nervously.

How could He Chang speak so disrespectfully towards that person if he really is the third prince? Isn't he afraid of being beheaded?

Xiang Ning felt distressed.

The third prince who was quiet all this time looked up and saw He Chang walking towards them.

It was unknown what he was thinking but the prince's eyes widened a little and relaxed again.

'Your highness, please don't take offense. Chang-ge did not mean to be disrespectful.' Muttered Xiang Ning carefully with his head lowered, not daring to look up at the prince.

The third prince glanced at He Chang again and then smiled with low chuckles.

'Of course, I definitely will not take offense towards this gentleman. May I ask, who are you guys?' Asked the third prince leisurely.

Xiang Ning felt himself getting tensed again from the identity question. He really did not know what to say or do.

He had silently glanced at He Chang for help but the man simply ignored him and stood to the side in silence.

Sensing the awkwardness, the third prince chuckled slowly.

'I guess we will know each other another time then.'

The third prince flapped his fan and quietly made his way back towards the main court.

Before Xiang Ning could breathe a sigh of relief, he felt his arm being grabbed harshly, resulting in him releasing a soft yelp.

'What were your highness thinking? Wandering around like a fool in the middle of the night like this?' Gritted He Chang.

Although the words were very respectful, his tone and actions definitely indicate that he is very angry right now.

Xiang Ning could only tremble in fear.

'I'm sorry ge..'

He Chang shook him off in a haste and the little prince fell down on the ground.

The pain from the hard surface of the ground was hard to endure for Xiang Ning, his eyes welled up with tears from the pain.

'You better behave.'

After saying so, He Chang walked away without even looking back at the person on the ground.


The sun is shining very brightly right now. Xiang Ning who had not slept a wink last night is currently feeling unwell.

Lan brought in a tray of warm breakfast with a face plastered with worry for her young master.

'Your highness, you should eat a little before going to rest. Why had you not slept?' Asked Lan, rather confused.

When facing with such a question, Xiang Ning's gaze dimmed once he was reminded of how He Chang had tossed him to the ground. His crush must be very mad at him right now.

Thinking about this possibility, he had not been able to sleep at all last night, resulting in him feeling sick this morning.

There was a knock on the door.

Lan hurriedly put the food tray down and went to open the door for whoever was outside.

Ruo An walked in with He Chang following her from behind.

Upon seeing He Chang's face, Xiang Ning stood up abruptly, wanting to go and explain to He Chang why he had left the pavilion disobediently last night.

However, once he stood up on his feet, he felt dizzy and immediately fell to the floor.

'Xiao Ning!'

Ruo An ran towards her brother and gently helped him up.

'Are you okay?' Asked Ruo An.

Xiang Ning glanced at He Chang at the side who is currently wearing a gloomy face.

'I'm fine, jiejie.' Said Xiang Ning.

Ruo An sighed and helped him get back on the bed before pulling the cover over him.

'Sister is here to tell you that you don't need to go meet anyone for the time being. Although it is our tradition for the bride's brother to come live with the groom's family for a month before marriage and continue living for another two months, it is not a known tradition in Da Dong. You will only have to appear when there are grand events or ceremonies.' Said Ruo An while combing her brother's long hair.

'Xiao Ning, why are your eyes so dark? Did you not sleep well last night?' Asked Ruo An worriedly.

'No jiejie! I definitely slept well, I'm just a little under the weather.' Replied Xiang Ning quickly.

Ruo An nodded and stood up slowly.

'Sister will be going now. I will come visit you whenever I have the chance. You take a rest and He Chang, once Xiao Ning get better, take him out of the palace for a stroll around.' Said Ruo An as she left the pavilion.

Lan quickly brought the food tray to Xiang Ning.

'Your highness, please eat and then go to rest. It is not good for the body to not have breakfast.'

Xiang Ning nodded and dejectedly ate while watching He Chang leave the pavilion shortly after Ruo An left without even saying anything to him.


In an extensive royal chamber with giant pillars and golden decorations, one could tell how powerful and high-ranking the owner of this chamber is.

On the table at the corner made out of the finest wood laid scrolls after scrolls of political documents and important pieces of governmental affairs.

At the window sill which is decorated with a long maroon curtain, stood a tall handsome figure.

Although his back is facing towards us, but the princely attire and the jade crown atop his head means that he is one of the princes of Da Dong.

His aura gave off a feeling of mystery and intimidation, though one could still feel the majestic atmosphere surrounding this person.

'I did not expect your highness crown prince to come back so soon.'

To Be Continued...

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