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Xiang Ning sat down and wandered his gaze around the restaurant curiously. Seeing the lively place with many people serving different kinds of foods amazed him.

He Chang glanced at the young man beside him and felt a little funny seeing how this prince could find the simplest thing interesting. He wondered how the little prince's mind works.

As he was about to sit down, he heard loud talks and discussions coming from a group of men walking into the restaurant as well. In a blink of an eye, the restaurant owner quickly rushed up to welcome the group of new guests in a somewhat respectful manner.

'Oh lord Shen! How come you did not inform us beforehand? How could our humble place serve you properly?' Asked the restaurant madam.

The person in the middle who appears to be at the ripe age of 18 lifted his chin arrogantly. He pulled the beautiful maiden beside him by the waist and looked at the restaurant owner without any humbleness.

'Any table is fine, just make sure I get a good view of the stage so I can show my beauty your restaurant's popular show.' Saying so, he tightened his hold around the small waist of the beauty even further.

He Chang felt quite uncomfortable, so he pulled the little prince who is still oblivious up from his seat.

'Chang-ge? What happened?'

He Chang glanced down towards the confused prince and then let go of his arm.

'This one thinks we should change to a private room instead.' Said He Chang.

Xiang Ning furrowed his eyebrows, his delicate face showing obvious displeasure.

'But I want to watch the show of this teahouse.' Said Xiang Ning slowly.

He Chang sighed and then led the unhappy prince towards a private room on the third floor of the restaurant.

As they sat down, the prince ordered some foods to eat and they both waited for the foods.

Xiang Ning glanced shyly towards the bodyguard.

In this quiet room, there is only a table in the middle and a few decorations on the wall and shelves at the corner of the place.

He had never been able to look at He Chang alone like this.

Although the man in front of him does not have a peerless face and looks rather ordinary, the tall stature and solid built still adds charm to him.

Adding his intelligence into the mix, he isn't a bad partner to have.

Xiang Ning blushed his cheeks crimson at the thought of them being lovers.

'Chang-ge, you can sit down if you want to.' Said Xiang Ning in an almost mumbling voice.

He Chang glanced at the boy sitting at the table, he can clearly see that the boy is blushing his face as red as a tomato.

Without second thoughts, anyone who will see this scene is going to think that the two are a pair of young teens secretly in love with each other.

He Chang pulled his line of sight away from the beautiful youth and then looked straight ahead again.

'This one wouldn't dare.' He said neutrally.

Xiang Ning felt a weird jolt in his stomach, this is the first time that he received a normal and somewhat respectful remark from He Chang. Normally, he would probably stare at him in disgust and ignore his words or say something harsh.

Feeling joyful, the prince quickly stood up and ran to grab onto He Chang's arm.

'Chang-ge, I wouldn't mind- Ah!'

He Chang hastily pushed the prince off of him in reflex. His eyes burned in anger as they focused onto the prince on the ground.

The prince is sitting on the ground, his face shocked and scared. The pain from the collision of his body and the floor was incredibly painful that the words he was about to say were forced down his throat.

He Chang's eyes slowly softened at the sight and stepped back a little.

He hesitantly pulled the prince back up, a bit gently this time.

'This one..........apologize.'

Xiang Ning swallowed a mouthful of fearful saliva and nodded before going back to sit down quietly. Hence, the awkward atmosphere continues.


'What do you mean?'

'I think you ought to know what I mean, Jiang Yulang.' Said a rough impatient voice.

The third prince of Da Dong stood up, his hand gripping his favorite fan in a deathly tight grip. His usual refined and gentle face of a scholar is nowhere to be seen.

Instead, his expressions are brimming with anger and heat.

'How dare a creature of lowly birth like you address me by my full name- heughhh'

Without being able to finish his sentence, a strong yet extremely beautiful hand clasped his neck in a flash.

The strength being pressed down on his neck caused him to go silent. Purple color began to flood his face as he struggled to breathe air into his lungs. All he could do is to flail his arms around like a desperate animal at the brink of death.

'Don't forget, the lowly creature you are facing right now, is your crown prince. The future emperor you will have to bow down to whenever you meet.' Gritted that same rough voice of the other man.

The man let go of the third prince's neck which resulted in the always-dignified and collected third prince to fall flat to the floor in a fit of cough and urgent breaths.

The crown prince stood before the coughing third prince, his face covered with a hideous silver mask.

'Get rid of that bastard and bring the dagger to me.' Said the crown prince before walking out with his guards following behind him.

The third prince glared in disdain at the retreating figure of the man, his face slowly regaining its original color.

He stood up and grabbed a mirror to check his neck.

'Sure enough.' Said the third prince through gritted jaws.

He smashed the mirror onto the floor, shattering it into pieces. The maids all quivered in fright, they had just witnessed the infamous crown prince's wrath and the usually-calm third prince's anger all in one go.

Surely. it was hard for them to remain unhinged.

'That cunning fox would not leave a mark even if he had clearly squeezed my neck so hard, I almost died.' Muttered the third prince, flapping his fan profusely.

Jiang Yulang calmed down and breathed heavily.

He clapped his hand lightly and two eunuchs immediately appeared.

'Tell my future bride that I would like to meet with my future brother-in-law as soon as possible. Prepare a royal banquet by the end of next week.'

The two eunuchs bowed before retreating to carry out the orders.

To Be Continued...

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