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'Da Dong? Why would A'Shan be in Da Dong?' Asked the mistress, confused.

Jin Xuan crossed his arms and walked around, pretending to wonder.

'I do wonder as well, but I heard him saying something about this girl that he fell in love with and wants to pursue her.' Said Jin Xuan with a laugh.

'How horrible!' Exclaimed the mistress as she stood up. Her face burning in anger.

'He left his family, clan and duties for some commoner girl?' Snapped the mistress.

'Well, not some girl. She's a princess, mom.' Jin Xuan defended his brother.

'A princess. Even a princess is not befitting enough for my Jin Shan.' Murmured mistress Jin, her eyes squinting in displeasure.

Jin Xuan smiled

'Mom! If you let me, I can make brother Shan come back at once!' Volunteered Jin Xuan, his child-like face beaming with expectations.

'Don't even think about it! You're too young to wander off alone. Mom will go there myself!'

'But mom! You can't just appear in Da Dong, you're the mistress of Jin clan! What would the people say? Especially the elders, what would they say?' Asked Jin Xuan.

'This is my son! Why would I not solve it myself?' Asked the mistress.

'It is still not a good reason, mom. Just let me go, my martial arts is good enough to protect myself!' Pleaded Jin Xuan.

Mistress Jin rubbed her forehead in distress.

'Really, what am I going to do to have two sons like this. One is upright and mature but would do anything just because he wants to. The other is mischievous and cunning.' Complained the mistress.

After a moment of silence, the mistress sighed a big sigh.

'Fine! Bring Jin Shan back before winter comes, which is in two months. He needs to be here in time for the grand gathering of clans which only happens once every four years.'

Jin Xuan secretly celebrated and nodded.

'Sure thing, mom!'


The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Flowers bloomed and in the royal garden of the imperial palace, unique flowers found only in the depths of the mystical forest are also blossoming everywhere.

'Shao Wing, hawf 'ou ween well wese 'ays?' Asked Ruo An while stuffing her mouth with mooncakes.

Xiang Ning, who is sitting across his sister, opened his eyes wide, not knowing what to reply as he definitely did not know what his sister said.

He turned to Lan who is standing behind him with a meaningful gaze but she just shrugged with the same confused expression as him.

Ruo An noticed and raised her hand while trying her best to swallow the mooncake which ended up with her in fits of coughs.

The eunuch beside her quickly gave her a cup of warm tea which she took and gulped it all down in one go.'

'I said- beurghhhhh'

An awkward silence permeated in the little courtyard of Xiang Ning's pavilion. The future third princess consort just burped so loudly, it scared away the birds on the tree branches.

The eunuch who was assigned to take care of Ruo An was taken aback, his face showing shock and embarrassment for his master.

'Ahem! A-As I was saying, I asked how have you been.' Said Ruo An, her face flushing from embarrassment as well.

'Umm, I've been well. Thank you jie jie for asking.' Replied Xiang Ning, his face blushing from holding back his laughter.

Lan used her palm to cover her mouth, just in case she slipped out an accidental snort.

Ruo An nodded and continued to eat.

'Your highness...' muttered the pitiful eunuch with sweat rolling down his forehead.

The clumsy princess scratched her neck and put down the chopsticks. Not daring to continue eating so bashfully anymore.

'Xiao Ning, has A'Chang been doing a good job? Anyone tried to harm you?' Asked Ruo An with concern.

Upon hearing the name of that man, Xiang Ning blushed from shyness and lowered his eyelids a little.

'Chang-ge is doing a good job.' Said Xiang Ning.

Ruo An nodded in relief.

He Chang who just walked into the courtyard noticed the people there and paused his steps.

'A'CHANG!!!' Shouted Ruo An as she stood up and rushed towards him.

'I haven't seen you in so long. Did you get skinnier? What happened to your healthy complexion? You look like a panda.' Laughed the princess, her cheeks a little rosy from the laughter.

At this distance, Xiang Ning could see how He Chang's eyes slowly soften as a small smile graced his lips. The poor little prince's heart leapt a little in discomfort, reality came sinking back to him.

How is he such a fool? He actually indulged himself in this impossible ecstasy. Anyone with eyes can see how in love He Chang is towards the princess.

'I'm doing well, your highness. Don't worry about me.' Said He Chang, his voice soft and gentle, a tone that he would give to no one else.

The eunuch on the side noticed the wrong development as well, which is why he cleared his throat rather loudly.

'Your highness, this slave thinks it is time for you to attend to your daily lessons.' Said the eunuch with a respectful bow.

Ruo An nodded in agreement. She ran to hug her little brother.

'Don't forget the royal banquet! I wish to see my little darling shine the most in the whole place.' Said Ruo An.

After she left, Lan picked up all the cutleries on the table and left to put it back in the royal kitchen.

Xiang Ning and He Chang were left alone, again.

'How's your wound, your highness?'

Against all odds, He Chang actually initiated a conversation with him and even asked about the well being of his.

Xiang Ning glanced at He Chang's facial expressions and sure enough, it was just simple question without a hint of concern.

'It's fine, thank you ge for asking.' Said Xiang Ning slowly.


'Your highness should not address me in such an intimate way. It is not appropriate if heard by outsiders and could tarnish your reputation.' Said He Chang coldly, as if he was disgusted with the address.

Xiang Ning was utterly confused, how come he was kind of different last night but completely restored his indifference the next day?

His heart slowly sank like a stone.

Last night -

He Chang walked out of the little pavilion belonging to prince Xiang Ning. His gaze cold and focused.

He did not expect that he would actually use such a gentle tone towards the person that he despises. What was he thinking?

Suddenly, a sound of wings flapping in the distance caught his attention. Because of his enhanced senses due to high martial arts skills, he could easily detect the sound.

'How bothersome.' He muttered under his breath as he quickly used his martial arts elsewhere, as if luring the source of the sound to a different place.

Once he landed on the outside of the royal palace gates in a deserted alley of Da Dong, he held out his arm and an eagle's strong claw grasped onto it.

Indifferently detaching the letter tied to the bird's left leg, he read the content.

'That little troublemaker.' He whispered under his breath after finishing the letter.

To Be Continued...

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