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Li Jun turned towards Jin Shan, who knew what he was thinking but the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees. Xiang Ning felt chills in his spines.

'A small bodyguard with a big mouth, if you were serving under me, your head would've flown off your body long ago.' Said the crown prince with a laugh.

Even if he is laughing, the words he said were cruel that it did not match the happy tone of his laughter at all.

Jin Shan's hands clenched itself hard.

'If I were serving under your highness, I would've willingly cut my head off before you can even order me to.' Said Jin Shan, his lips also forming a smile but his eyes are exceptionally frosty.

Li Jun and Jin Shan continued to glare at each other through the eyes. Xiang Ning on the other side was a little fidgety, what should he do? Why are they on bad terms?

At that moment, his waist was grasped abruptly by someone and he couldn't help but let out a loud yelp, alarming the two men who were competing in a staring contest.

They both turned around to see Xiang Ning being grabbed by someone who is wearing a black cloak.

'Young master Jin, I came in peace.' Said the man while still trying to suppress the struggles Xiang Ning is showing.

Jin Shan's eyes narrowed dangerously once he realized that this person actually knows his identity.

'My lord, Hu Long, heard that you are going to become the leader of Jin clan in a few short days. How about the young master choose right now? Whether to come save this little beauty or go take charge over the Jin clan. Your time us limited, with a face like this, who knows what my lord will do to this little prince?' Said the hooded man while using his fingers to caress Xiang Ning's alerted face.

Jin Shan gritted his teeth.

'Let go of him. Or die.'

The hooded man let out a howl of laughter.

'You can only choose one, him or your clan.'

Saying so, the man leapt off the imperial palace fences and disappeared completely.

Jin Shan growled in anger before pulling his sword out and was about to chase the man when he was suddenly pulled back by someone.

Jin Xuan.

'Brother, you can't go! What about our clan? Without you, we will collapse and the other clans will surely attack us. You can't let our clan fall because of this issue!'

Jin Xuan, who has been hiding and spying on his brother day and night obviously also saw the scene just now. He understands that his brother is in love and his sister-in-law is in danger but he cannot fail the clan and his mother.

Jin Shan glared at his younger brother and shook him off violently. At this moment, nothing but rage consumed him, he lost all reasons. If he catches up to them, he'd make sure to tear that hooded guy into pieces!

Jin Xuan noticed that his brother lost all reasons. He knows this big brother of his really well. His brother never show this kind of reaction unless he absolutely treasure something and that something got taken away. He felt sorry for his brother because he actually fell in love with someone whom he shouldn't.

Jin Xuan shut his eyes and sighed before, as quick as lightning, hit his brother's acupuncture.

Jin Shan, who usually is very aware of his surroundings actually got his acupuncture pressed by his younger brother due to his momentary rage. Jin Xuan glanced at the crown prince who stood motionless at the side a little.

Paying no heeds, he lifted his brother and flew off in the opposite direction where the hooded guy left.

The crown prince watched the scene play off in front of him.

'Jin clan? Young master? Brother? Heir?' Muttered the crown prince to himself.

At that exact moment, something clicked in Li Jun's head.

'Young master Jin Shan of the Jin clan. No wonder.' Said Li Jun through clenched jaws.


Xiang Ning was scared out of his wits, he began trembling. The man who is holding him captive obviously caught on.

He slowly landed in a thick forest and released Xiang Ning from his hold. The free prince breathed a big sigh of relief before turning on his heels, ready to run away from that place and that man as quickly as possible.

However, the kidnapper suddenly appeared right in front of him like he knows teleportation. The unsuspecting Xiang Ning ran straight into his chest.

The impact caused the small body of the prince to back off a few steps and was about to fall but strong arms recaptured his waist and pulled him back.

Because the prince is still wearing the beautiful yellow robe meant for the wedding celebrations, he appears very beautiful even if he is stuck in a dense forest with a stranger whom he don't know.

'Please let me go! Please!' Begged Xiang Ning as big droplets of tears fell from his cheeks.

The man pulled down his hood and to Xiang Ning's surprise, it was the stranger whom he helped last time when he woke up in the middle of the night.

The fear that he had suddenly vanished and was replaced with disbelief and anger.

'It's you!?' Exclaimed Xiang Ning.

He pushed the person away quickly.

'Why are you doing this?' Asked Xiang Ning indignantly.

The other person only stared at the angry boy in front of him. The boy has no idea how seductive he looks right now. The yellow robe on him is absolutely stunning. It shows a large portion of his neck and shoulders which also reveals his protruding collarbones. The milky white skin belonging to the prince shined like pearls.

The robe fit snugly against his body, outlining the perfect figure before flowing off his waist like water. His hair is knotted into braids while some part are left falling down his back elegantly.

Because he is angry, his expressions are rich and colorful. This adds another type of charm to the beauty he already possesses. Even a strictly trained spy like himself find it hard to resist such a beauty.

No wonder why Jin Shan was so reluctant about letting him go to the banquet looking like this. Surely, it would bring nothing but trouble.

'You're so ungrateful!' The melodious voice of the young prince sounded loudly.

'How could you do this? I did nothing to you!'

Xiang Ning began sobbing, the soft cries tickled the stone heart belonging to the Hu clan's top spy for the first time in his entire life.

'You- hic- Chang'ge will definitely come save me.' Said Xiang Ning through broken sobs.

Really. It's so irritating when he mentions another man. Thought the spy to himself.

To Be Continued...

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