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Adrienne was nothing like her brothers, the complete opposite really. Adrienne wasn't shy or introverted.  She didn't fear social engagement, popularity, people, no, she loved it. Adrienne Byers was one of the most popular girls in her grade, she was always out at parties, hanging out with her "friends" who she secretly despised and especially hanging out with her boyfriend— Steve Harrington. The second Adrienne laid her eyes on the dreamy brown eyed boy she knew that's who she wanted, but even after that his and her popularity grew just by being together.

"Johnny!" Adrienne jogged up to her brother, who was confused as to why she would be calling to him when she was with her irritating friends in the parking lot.  "On second thought, I'll drive back home with you. Steve can't he has something to do, so please don't leave without me?"

Johnathan simply nodded to her with a smile before replying. "Yeah, course sis." He gave Adrienne's dirty blonde hair a ruffle before walking off.

Adrienne returned to her "friends"— Carol, Tina, and Vicki who were talking about god knows what.

"Sooo, I was thinking of us all going as Pink Ladies from Grease for my party tomorrow night instead?" Tina flashed a wide smile scrunching her shoulders to her neck.

"Isn't that a little ya'know, basic? I mean group costumes we aren't going to stand by each other all night are we?" Adrienne scoffed rolling her eyes as she imagined the idea of all four girls wearing the same thing.

"She's got a point, it's kinda embarrassing let alone I'm already matching with Tommy." Carol pops her gum loudly with her teeth.

"Anyways, besides the point, Steve and I are going as Patty and Rusty from Rumble Fish." Adrienne smiled as she got lost in the idea of Steve in a white "women-beater" tank top and bandanna around his head until the roar of a cars engine filled the parking lot, followed by the sudden screech of tires being halted taking notice that not only was it a Blue Camaro but the license plate was encrypted of a California license plate.

First to come out was a small red headed girl who looked irritated the moment she stepped foot out that car, throwing her skateboard to the ground as she skated off the middle school. Then the drivers side of the car door widely opened with nothing but a black steel toed boot rested on the gravel, followed by a boy in a full blown jean outfit with a white thermal tightening at his chest.

The mystery boy had a mullet of luscious long dirty blonde curls that fell onto his shoulders, a chain falling onto his chest, before he turned around to scan the place. His skin was the perfect color of tanned golden brown, assuming the sun-rays from California perfected his skin. He had a prominent strong jawline that was sharp enough to cut diamonds, thin pink lips that blew out smoke from his dangling cigarette, a wide but perfect nose, and his eyes and lashes were the icing on the cake. His eyes were the brightest shade of blue Adrienne has ever seen, as the symbolized the brightest ocean in the world, his long  lashes fluttered as he looked around before locking eyes with Adrienne, a smirk creeping onto the side of his lips followed by a wink before flicking his cigarette to the ground. Adrienne blushed for all the wrong reasons, she saw how this boy grabbed her attention the same exact way she was drawn to Steve but when she saw him walk away she noticed one more thing. His ass.

"Who is that?" Vicki asked mesmerized by the boy as we all watched him walk off.

"I have no idea, but would you check out that ass?" Tina side eyed Vicki licking her teeth as we all watched the way his jeans tightly hugged him.

Adrienne scoffed as she saw the type of guy he really was, a player, a womanizer, someone who just wanted to have a good time with anyone who catered to him.
"Please don't tell me you two are going to be drooling all over him."

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