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WARNINGS: smut, 18+ PLS. oral (both receiving), TEASING, Billy being munch, p in v, unprotected sex (WRAP THE WILLYS UP), praise hehe, sorta public sex kinda????, confessions at the end hehe

I think that's it? If I missed any then lmk

Also not proofed bc just I'm tired LMAO


A week of constantly flirting from what was supposed to be "friends" wasn't what Adrienne had in mind. She despised how giddy she got around Billy, like she was in middle school again.

It also didn't help that Billy was constantly always trying to mess with her mind with what he was best at doing.

All Adrienne could and would only think about was Billy.

His eyes, lips, scent, voice, smile, every little detail of him was constantly on play in her mind.

Beginning to help remind idiotic kids and adults that the pool was closing for what Adrienne swore was the 50th time within the hour, she finally was able to get everyone out, waving bye to Heather, Adam, and Katie as they ended their shift leaving her to close the stupid pool with no one other then Billy.

But being alone not knowing where the hell he even was. She began to use the pool skimmer alongside the pool, her whistle dangling over every movement she made.

Eventually getting through the entire pool and being left with nothing but the brightly blue light pool and the chirping of crickets.

"Sorry, Dad called." Billy huffed as he exited the employee room, making Adrienne sigh.

"Still?" Adrienne questioned as she sat herself down on the pavement beside the pool, placing her shins into the cool water.

"Not as much." Billy replied sticking s cigarette between his lips and helping himself to sit next to Adrienne.

Sitting in comfortable silence together listening to the sounds of the water tricking as Adrienne moved her feet around, and the nature around them.

Adrienne bit her inner lip, deciding to finally let her guard down around Billy, in deciding to do something she hardly ever did.

"I'm sorry for being a shitty fake-girlfriend." Adrienne said quietly avoiding Billy's mesmerizing eyes.

"Are you okay?" Billy questioned raising his scarred eyebrow at Adrienne. "Because for a second I thought you of all people said the word "sorry."

"Okay, obviously this was a mistake close the damn place by yourself." Adrienne muttered through her teeth attempting to leap from her seated position until Billy grabbed ahold of her wrist to pull her down.

"Stop running away from me." Billy whispered to her making Adrienne gaze into his eyes for a moment.

"I don't think I can." Adrienne admitted before she focused on Billy's lips as he slowly leaned into her, hitching her breathing before smirking to herself and clinging her arms around his neck and throwing herself forwards tugging Billy along with her into the water.

Emerging from the cool water with a smirk on her face as she clinged her arms over Billy's neck once again.

"I'm not running, I'm swimming." Adrienne teased at him, somehow in the position to where her legs were wrapped around Billy's torso, arms hanging lazily over his shoulders, Billy having his hands gripped tightly around her waist whilst floating in the cool pool water, just them in that moment.

"What are we doing Adrienne?" Billy questioned with a smile that was permanently curled on his lips, his eyes studying Adrienne's features that glistened.

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