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"Adrienne, why is Steve Harrington parked in our driveway?" Adrienne's mother questioned as she set her coffee down on the kitchen table, making Adrienne choke on her cereal at her words.

"Excuse me? WHO is in our driveway?" Adrienne questioned jumping up from her seat and rushing herself out the front door.

Adrienne wondered what the hell he was even doing here, out of all days on a Monday morning.

"What are you doing here?" Adrienne questioned crossing her arms leaning her body down to his driver's side window.

"I wanted to take you to school." Steve assured her shifting awkwardly.

"Why?" Adrienne said flatly, uninterested.

"Wait, I thought— what about Friday night?" Steve questioned confused raising his brows.

"I was drinking, you were drinking Steve, besides— I think you really gotta go before—"

"Before what? Hargrove shows up? Because I don't care Adrienne, I want to finally be able to talk to you without him always wanting to be up your ass."

"Does it bother you or something? At least Billy actually cares about me and isn't hung up on his ex." Adrienne spat at him before the familiar sound of Mötely Crüe blared from the familiar car followed by tire screeches.

"You see! Everytime his name is spoken, he shows up!" Steve angrily sighed stepping out his car and the just the sight of him Billy immediately steps out his Camaro.

"Go home Steve." Adrienne warned once more before being ignored.

"Screw that." Steve muttered as he watched Billy approaching.

"Harrington, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here with MY girlfriend." Billy smirked, hooking his arm around Adrienne's waist and placing a kiss on the temple of her head staring directly at Steve.

"I want to talk to you, just give me the chance please." Steve rolled his eyes ignoring Billy's words, focusing on Adrienne who did nothing but just stare at him with doe eyes before focusing her eyes onto something else to distract her.

"You better not be fucking with her or I swear to god it won't end well." Steve hissed which only made Billy devilish smirk at him.

"On your end Harrington."

Adrienne watched the interaction between the two, her stomach twisting from left to right and how angry both boys got. She couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty—mostly on Steve's end, toying with his emotions with Billy Hargrove of all people. She also felt guilty for somehow watching the interaction made her feel confident that she had both egoistic boys of Hawkins High fighting over her, she couldn't help but deep down feel confident in her skin.

"Why was he here." Billy questioned his eyes never leaving the BMW that belonged to Steve that disappeared from the empty road of the Byers.

"I don't know, he just showed up." Adrienne admitted in defeat slumping her shoulders down.

"What did he say to you." Billy continued to question Adrienne but this time more sternly and demanding.

"He brought up taking me to school and...Friday night."

"And why would he have the idea of doing that Adrienne." Billy scoffed turning his body to now face Adrienne.

"What? Are you? Are you seriously blaming me?" Adrienne scoffed angrily shaking her head at his words.

"I mean maybe you shouldn't be tonguing down your EX-boyfriend out of spite to prove a point, you know just a thought." Billy kissed his teeth before rubbing his chin out of anger.

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