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"So you're telling me what I suggested actually worked?" Carols eye's and jaw widened at the idea of her plan actually working for Adrienne and Billy, which had now been taken into effect.

"Yes, but YOU can't tell anyone. Not even Tina or Vicki, this stays between me and you." Adrienne whispered to her friend as they roamed the halls of the last and final period of the day.

Adrienne had high hopes of this plan, let alone having Billy somehow manage to bend over backwards for her, which she didn't seem the mention to him either. Did she feel bad? No. Because she knew this would be over the second Steve attempted to win her back and leave Nancy, craving and wanting Adrienne once again before she could simple flirt with him but disregard his desire of want humiliating, even ruining him.

She continued to gossip with Carol down the halls before a hand sipped around her waist pulling her away from her.

"Hi girlfriend." Billy teased chewing his gum annoyingly at her.

"Is there something you need?" Adrienne scoffed in her attempt to wiggling free from his arm around her waist.

"Stop moving before you blow this in front of Hagan." Billy whispered quickly before Adrienne quickly changed her expression from annoyed to a fake face of happiness.

"Hargrove? Byers? What are you both..." Tommy paused at his words noticing the arm that belonged to Billy that was holding the waist of Adrienne willingly.
"Holy shit, got your mind off Harrington already?" Tommy seethed in an attempt to get another reaction out of the girl.

"Yup, turns out Billy's the one for me." Adrienne forcefully said as she felt a jab of Billy's fingers against her side.

"Made her my girl to forget about him anyways, isn't that right? Baby." Billy coo'd at the girl, placing a quick peck on top of her head.

Adrienne mentally screamed at what she had gotten herself into suddenly regretting her decision to console in Billy for help.

"Yeah, exactly, and Billy helped me in such uh, big way." Adrienne teased directing her brown orbs to Billy, practically reminding him how this was all apart of their act.

"Knew you'd come to your senses Byers." Tommy proudly huffed, his eyes shifting between the "couple" before walking off.

Adrienne and Billy quickly pulled away from each other the second Tommy disappeared from their vision, dusting themselves off.

Billy opened his mouth to speak before Adrienne put a finger to his lips shaking her head before walking off to find Carol.


"I still can't believe my idea worked like, just like that!" Carol giggled in disbelief.

"It did, but now your ex-boyfriend knows and it's only a matter of time before everyone else does." Adrienne smirked, laying beside Carol on her bed but the en every of Carol's demeanor changing into sad funk when she mentioned the word "ex-boyfriend" to her.

"Ex, for the 5th time." Carol sighed as Adrienne glanced over to her.

"I know he's an asshole to me Carol, but that shouldn't be a problem in your guy's relationship I know you meant well trying to be a good friend but I can handle myself you know that, and if he makes you happy somehow in your twisted relationship then don't let me hold you back." Adrienne comforted the girl.

As much as Adrienne despised her friends, there was no doubt that Carol was the only one who really cared about her. They've been friends since their sandbox days, the days where in 7th grade the fiery redheaded girl was crying because some punk kid shoved a piece of gum in her hair and Adrienne stepped up for her shoving a freshly chewed piece of gum right onto his seat where the stickiness of the gum stretched all over the kid's chair and butt.

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