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A/N: EUPHORIA THEMED PARTY S1 EP 1 ft. Billy and Adrienne just some slight changes


"You guys KISSED? Like with NO ONE around? Like out of free will?" Carol exclaimed as she and Adrienne walked down the hall at the end of their last period.

"God yes, and now it's fucking awkward and we haven't talked at all because we've been avoiding each other." Adrienne sighed as they walked out to the parking lot.

"Don't worry about, I'm sorry it was nothing, besides I'm pretty sure he'll be at Tommy's party tonight and you will be attending right?" Carol smirked nudging Adrienne.

"After you begged me all morning of course-" Adrienne halted in her steps as her face stung with shock, Carol confused until she glanced over to what Adrienne's eyes focused on.

Billy waiting on the hood of his car for Max, growing impatient with Vicki by his side who sat close to him, books in her arms.

"No fucking way." Carol muttered as the eyes of the two girls glared at them both.

Adrienne's eyes burned with jealousy, sadness, and rage, she was already humiliated and destroyed by Steve and now by the worst mistake she could've possibly had made of Billy Hargrove. Her heart ached, especially their passionate kiss they had just shared yesterday, disappointment lingered in her heart as she didn't want to realize she actually grew to tolerate and like Billy.

Not only did Adrienne's eyes stay pinned onto Billy, but her eyes wandered off to Steve who was a couple feet away from them, his eyes filled with pity and a "sorry" expression on his face which made Adrienne let out a hurt chuckle.

"Let's go." Adrienne managed to croak, this time she didn't even bother making a fool out of herself and confronting them both, instead Carol intertwined her fingers with hers and guided Adrienne towards Johnathan's car.

The two walked passed the amount of students who couldn't be bothered to focus on what was happening, Adrienne swallowed a thick sharp pain in her throat holding her head up high as she passed by Billy and Vicki, where Billy's eyes were pinned onto her, growing upset she didn't give him a reaction.

"SO, I will be seeing YOU. TONIGHT at the PARTY at TOMMYS right?" Carol loudly exaggerated to get the attention of Billy who's eyes remained focus on Adrienne.

"Yes, Carol I will be there." Adrienne laughed tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Okay, one I just now find out you're "dating" Billy but now he's with Vicki?" Johnathan interrupted pulling his keys from his bag.

"Fake dating actually, but it seems we may have broke up, where have you been living under a rock?" Adrienne patted his back before waving bye to Carol.

"The way you live your teen years amazes me Adrienne." Johnathan shook his head before entering his car.

Adrienne quickly opened the passenger side door before deciding to glance over to Billy as his arm was slung over Vicki's shoulder his eyes continued to remain on her before the two locked eyes, a smirk growing on his face as she simply blew him a kiss and flipped him off before settling into the passenger seat angering Billy even more.


"We look so fucking hot." Carol giggled admiring herself and Adrienne in the bathroom mirror. "He's totally going to drool over you in this outfit."

Adrienne decided to go all out, in spite of getting even with Billy and his little stunt, so not only did she decided to go all out by curling her dirty blonde waves, and dark eye makeup, but also by wearing the most revealing outfit she owned, a short skimped spaghetti strapped black dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, pushing the crevices of her breasts up to reveal her cleavage, black fishnets squeezing her thighs tightly every-time she moved, followed with short black red bottom heels to make her stand out the most.

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