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Adrienne slammed her gym locker door shut in anger making other girls around her jump out there seats as Carol looked at the girl with concern.

"Look, eventually things like this pass Adri, it's only a matter of time before a new rumor starts and everyone's focus will be on that, you're letting it get to you." Carol did her best comforting the girl, but Adrienne knew deep down this wasn't something that wasn't going to go away so easy, let alone become forgetful, so she sighed in hopes of making Carol feel like a better friend, by simply agreeing to her statement.

Adrienne forced a smile at her as the two girl walked out to the Gymnasium watching all boys huddle up together for basketball as they took their seats watching them.

Billy had moved into their cast just this morning as it seemed as she watched his blue orbs present themselves in the gym, she now despised this period because of that, let alone also having Steve in the same room, but as long as she had Carol she was fine. A cocky smile presented on Billy's face walking up shirtless to the boys, the sight of him alone, angered Adrienne, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

The whistle blew causing all the boys to break out in a frenzy for the orange colored ball, the sight of toxic masculinity disgusted Adrienne and Carol as they watched all those boys practically wrestle each other.

"I want revenge." Adrienne proudly said continuing to stare at the boys more specifically Steve and Billy who were actively competing in the "who's the better asshole" olympics.

"Revenge on who exactly?" Carol smacked her gum glancing over to the dirty blonde haired girl.

"Them." Adrienne mischievously smirked at her before bopping her head up gesturing to Billy and Steve who were pushing up against each other roughly in their game of competition.

"Harrington right? Heard you used to run this school with your pretty little Adrienne beside you. That true? King Steve, they used to call you huh? Then you turned bitch for Wheeler." Billy taunted Steve loud enough for everyone in the gym to overhear their bickering.

"You don't know shit, so maybe you should just shut up and just play the game." Steve gritted between his teeth, angering Billy causing a powerful shove to drop him down to the floor and Billy boosting his ego to shoot into the hoop. Licking his lips as his sweat beads dropped down his gorgeously tanned skin his blue orbs intimidating Steve and everyone else in the room.

A sour expression flushed Carols face as she turned to look at Adrienne. "They're egos need to be slightly adjusted don't you think?" Adrienne scoffed.

"What if you use Billy to get Steve jealous by fake dating and intentionally somehow someway, make Billy worship the ground you walk on." Carol playfully joked popping her gum in her mouth, before the idea developed in Adrienne's head, her eyes widening at the  idea of some sick twisted this "lovegame" can make them both suffer.

Adrienne's eyes lit up at the idea widening at Carol with a evil smirk presented on her face making Carol pin point the dots of her expression.

"You wouldn't." Carol gasped.

"Thank you for the amazing idea Carol."

"Wait, Adrienne let's think about—" Carol started before Adrienne jumped up from the stands.

"Already did." She said loudly walking down the steps marching her way towards Billy the game of basketball coming to a stop as all the boys watched her walk onto the court, Steve's eyes never left Adrienne and she knew that too, but she rather not give him the time of day to focus on his eyes rather she would much rather focus on Billy.

Adrienne grabbed ahold of Billy's sweaty hand as a confused expression flustered his face followed by a cocky smirk as she pulled him outside the gym hearing whistles and cheers coming from a distance by the boys.

She immediately let go of his hand the second they were outside. Billy fluttered his eyes at her actions, confused before she quickly struck her hand over the side of his cheek making his head turn towards the left.

"That's for earlier." Adrienne hissed at him watching him shut his eyes at the stinging pain.

Billy's nostrils flared in anger clenching his jaw looking directly towards his left, he licked the side of his lips before turning to face the girl who had just slapped him across his face.

"I need a favor." Adrienne silently admitted in defeat slumping her shoulders down her demeanor shifting from anger and hurt, to now fragile and helpless.

"What." Billy managed to speak still angry at the fact that this girl slapped him.

"I want revenge. I want revenge on Steve and how he humiliated me." Adrienne started before pausing to look at Billy's blue eyes. "I want him to feel what I felt ten times worse so that's why I'm asking you."

"Me? What does wanting revenge on your little boyfriend have to do with me?" Billy scoffed bringing his hand to his lower half of his face rubbing it slightly.

"Because you want to take everything away from Steve right? His friends, the girls, the popularity, the "king" title, but if you take all that away from him you're going to be stuck with one thing missing and that's me."

Adrienne let out a breathe of relief, watching Billy's mind attempt to connect the dots on what she was even offering.

"I know me and you don't like each other for very obvious reasons but that's not the point. Steve despises you for even wanting to take his title and you love the fact he's so bothered by it. So why not have the so called "Queen of Hawkins" herself that was also something Steve once had. So really what I'm asking out of this is to get what we both want, revenge and a rise out of Steve to boost your shitty ego is to pretend like we're dating, in love actually. We go on double dates, show up to every party together, rides to school and home, hold hands in the halls, NO flirting with other girls or dudes, and attempt to not hate each other even more in the process—" Adrienne attempted to continue to ramble on with her plan before Billy quickly and rudely interrupted her.

"Just earlier you told me to go fuck myself and now you want my help to get back at your ex-boyfriend by pretending to be "boyfriend and girlfriend" with you? Jesus Adrienne what is your probl— " Billy paused his raising voice to look at the girl when he heard a sniffle escape from her nose.

Her eyes were filled with desperation along with tears because of his words and tone, which he took offense to. He saw how earlier when he embarrassed her, how small she really looked, the way his words cut deep into her just to make himself look better, but now when she was on the verge of crying because of his words and actions made him feel like a even bigger dickhead as he watched a small tear fall down her cheek knowing what he had to do by pushing his pride aside.

"Don't cry, please don't cry. Look I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry for embarrassing you and claiming that rumor to make me look better. I'm also sorry for calling you a slut." Billy pleaded at the girl looking around to see if anyone was watching the two, he sighed before he groaned quietly to himself as he pulled the girl closer to him wrapping his arms around her.

"I don't need your pity Hargrove." Adrienne muttered silently as she allowed herself to hug him back, the coldness of his chest nipping at her cheeks.

"I know you don't." Billy scoffed before the two broke away from their hug.

"So what do you say? Are you up for this or not." Adrienne hesitantly asked him before a nod in agreement from Billy was witnessed in her eyes.

She smiled at him before using his shoulder to help place a soft kiss on the area of his cheek, where she slapped him across the face. A smirk grew into Billy's face before he opened his mouth.

"Don't even think about saying it Hargrove." Adrienne muttered before walking back towards the entrance of the gym leaving Billy alone with a smirk on his face.



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