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Getting for a pity date as to what Adrienne would call it, felt like torture.

Sure Andy was cute and wasn't an asshole as much as his friends were, but something about the lack of challenge was irritating her.

Forcing herself to get ready for a date she didn't even want to go on, fixing her wake up with just a small amount of her perfume onto her skin and mini rose printed spring dress and cute tanned sandals.

"You know you don't have to go if you don't want to." Johnathan said leaning onto the door frame of Adrienne's room.

"I know but...I mean free food?" Adrienne smirked as she glanced at her brother in her vanity mirror, clipping the clamps of her silver hopped earrings.

"I think it'll be good for her, it's a better step away from Billy." Nancy also appeared right beside Johnathan attached to his arm.

"Anything's a better step from Billy!" Max shouted as she passed by the open door of Adrienne with the group of boys, and new member Jane.

"So does everyone know about my date tonight." Adrienne sighed turning towards her brother and Nancy who just simply nodded before the honking of a car was heard outside Adrienne's bedroom.
"Am I gonna regret tonight? Probably." Adrienne sighed before pushing past her brother and Nancy who simply just smiled at her as she walked out her house.


Billy couldn't help himself, he couldn't believe he was smoking endless amounts of joints with Eddie in his van. In hopes to drown his feelings for Adrienne with weed.

"Why is she even going on that date with that fucker." Billy groaned passing the joint to Eddie who had a cheesy smile that was permanently sculpted on his face for hours.

"Aren't you in a relationship?." Eddie said in between holding in his breath. "I mean what is the deal between you and her, all you both do is attempt to make each other jealous until you both end up fucking." Eddie exhaled sending himself into a coughing mess as Billy snatched the joint from his fingers.

"She thinks we're in a relationship, but in reality I let her follow me around like a lost puppy to make her feel better." Billy sighed flicking the ash of the joint outside the window of Eddie's van. "And no, that's not what we do."

"Then what is it?"

"None of your damn business Munson."

Eddie cheekily smiled at him, putting his messy mop of curls on the head rest making Billy glance at him and roll his eyes.

"You love her."

"Shove it in that freak brain of yours." Billy spat at Eddie making Eddie smile even more, shaking his head.

"Anyone ever tell you that you're in love?"

"Anyone ever tell you to shut up."

"Adrienne has."

Billy looked at Eddie with hooded eyes before Eddie smirked handing him the joint, with a sigh Billy willingly grabbed the lit joint from Eddie's fingers, inhaling the pleasuring fumes of weed into his system attempting to forget about his extreme feelings for Adrienne and her stupid date.


Adrienne dreaded how nice Andy was being towards her. It made her feel like a total asshole because honestly what girl doesn't want a nice guy? Apparently not her.

She missed the simplicity of Billy, she knew him. Not Andy.

"So, tell me why just now you decided to agree to go on this date with me when I've been asking since Junior year?" Andy questioned with a smirk taking a spoonful of his ice cream into his mouth as Adrienne sandwiched her plumped gloss lips together before forcing a chuckle.

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