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"Morning future Mrs.Hargrove" Billy smirked kissing his teeth watching Adrienne climb into the passenger seat of his car.

"Did I miss something here?" Max questioned sneaking in glances between her stepbrother and Adrienne.

"I'm guessing you didn't tell her?" Adrienne asked Billy who shrugged his shoulders she rolled her eyes before turning to Max in the backseat. "No, we're "fake dating" to make Steve jealous and for him to steal his precious little "King" title."

"Oh thank god, because if this were real I would be sorry for you." Max scoffed before Adrienne sent her a smile with a high five.

"Does that go the same for me?" Billy sighed scratching a bit of his chin.

"No, you'" Max started then gesturing a hand to Adrienne "And Adrienne is well I mean look at her. I'm surprised she settled for you AND Steve."

"It's nothing personal boyfriend" Adrienne teased and coo'd in his ear before he softly pushed her away, gripping his steering wheel tightly.

Once again, Billy's tires screeched onto the payment of the school making his grand entrance per usual she inhaled a deep breath expecting the amount of stares that were about to be on not only her but also Billy, glancing over to Billy who gave Adrienne a small nod before they both opened the door exiting at the same time, Max quickly spilling out before skating away.

The amount of paired eyes on the "couple" not once bothered them, in fact, the amount of eyes on them fed them and their egos, boosting their confidence as Billy slowly walked around his car to drape his arm over Adrienne's shoulder as they walked toward wherever his friends were, without a doubt Adriennes would be there too.

"Told you, nothing to worry about." Billy whispered into your ear making it hard enough to not roll her eyes at his words.

"All an act Hargrove remember that." She gritted through her teeth as a fake smile shined widely at the other students gawking at them and the girls sending her death stares.

As they approached Tommy, Adrienne's eyes widened as she saw Steve there with them, a worried expression on his face as his head turned towards her and Billy a scoff escaping his lips before throwing his head back as the two teens approached him finally along with everyone there also.

"How's it going Harrington." Billy teased chewing a piece of gum slowly, looking at him up and down.

"Really? Him?" Steve ignored his comment, now looking at Adrienne as she swallowed a hard lump towards the back of her throat.

"Really? Nancy?" Adrienne fired back at him with a scoff as she attempted to bury down the pain.

"This isn't about that right now Adrienne, it's about you and this asshole!" Steve scoffed shaking his head.

"Watch it Harrington you won't like the outcome I promise you that." Billy hissed stepping forward towards him clenching his jaw as he pulled Adrienne closer into his arm.

Steve's body was pressed against Billy's at that point, their eyes never leaving each others in their attempt of intimidation at each other.

"Jesus, yes, Steve! Me and Billy, it shouldn't matter to you anyways! Just stop trying to be there for me and protect me when you only make it goddamn worse. Go back to Nancy, that's who you wanted in the first place right? Who you thought of while kissing me. Your GIRLFRIEND at the time that's who—" Adrienne stopped herself , dropping her eyes away from Steve's brown ones, that's when she realized she practically dropped the whole entire reason why in the first place they broke up, everyone had just assumed he dumped Adrienne to go back to Nancy, but no one knew the actual reason.

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