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Adrienne's eyes slowly fluttered open due to the loud ringing in her ears along with the sensation of painful throbs against the temples of her head. She groaned putting her palm to her head rubbing her growing hangover from last night.

Her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, looking around where her nightstand usually was to glance at the time, but her heart sunk deep into her chest when she realized, she wasn't in her room.

Adrienne sat up quickly her eyes fixating on every piece of furniture in the room, a poster of Metallica's "Kill 'Em All" album, another poster of a blonde women in a red swimsuit, beer cans and a ashtray above a tape player, a crate holding hair products and cologne followed by a slim mirror. Adrienne only had one thing on her mind "where the fuck is she and who she slept with."

She sprung herself from the bed in search of her clothes from yesterday as she had nothing but a pair of this persons oversized grey boxers and black muscle tee on her body. She had spotted her clothes on the floor, throwing her shorts over the boxers quickly buttoning them up in hopes this mystery boy didn't walk into the room, she quickly peeled off the shirt she was wearing until the door busted open leaving her in shock.

"Jesus are you still sleep—" Her eyes locked with the gorgeous blue ones from last night a smirk growing on his lips as his eyes glanced down to her laced bra.

"LOOK AWAY." She hissed at him, quickly throwing the shirt at the one and only Billy Hargrove to conceal his eyes quickly throwing on the polka dotted shirt from last night.

"Please don't tell me we..." She pleaded looking at him desperately.

"We didn't doll, you drank more after our little bathroom conversation, got mad when Harrington was dancing with Wheeler, stormed off outside and started walking in the cold to god knows where in shorts and a short shirt so being the person that I am, I forced you into my car for you wouldn't get kidnapped or something." Billy smirked looking at himself in his mirror admiring every inch of him.

"You forced me? Sounds a little creepy Hargrove." She scoffed in search of her shoes.

"Well if I didn't, you would've been probably dead and naked in a ditch right now so, you're welcome."

"Thanks, so please take me home now?" She sighed tugging the laces of her boots on her feet.

"Do I get a kiss for doing so?"

"And catch a STD? No thank you Hargrove, get tested first then I'll think about it." Adrienne smiled widely at him rolling his eyes at the girl while grabbing his keys.

"Taking my step-sister to the arcade first if you don't mind."

Adrienne nodded at him as she followed Billy out his room into the connecting parts of his house, it was small but cozy, pictures hung on the walls of what Adrienne was guessing his father, step-mom, and the little redheaded girl she saw the first day.

"MAX! Get your ass out here or I'm not taking you anywhere." Billy shouted holding the door open as he waited for the girl named Max.

Max stormed out her room slamming the door shut behind her with a groan as her eyes landed on Adrienne and Billy with a disgusted expression on her face.

"Seriously what do all these girls see in you." She spat glaring at Billy then at Adrienne.

"She's not wrong, the kid's smart, what do girls see in you?" Adrienne cocked her head in question towards Billy.

"I like you." Max smiled up at the girl then back at her step-brother

"I hate you both." Billy grumbled before shutting the door shut behind them three.

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