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Soon after their conversation, Eddie disappeared leaving Adrienne alone once again as she continued to loathe herself in self-pity as her mind continued to constantly ask the question she may never get the answer to, "why?"

Adrienne wiped the lonely tears that remained onto her cheek, as she heard the commotion of yells and cheers grew closer towards her, as the front door of Carol's swung open to reveal a beat up, bloody, struggling Tommy Hagan running away from whatever was chasing him, shortly after seeing Billy's angered self to chase and attack him, other teens following both boys outside.

"You ruined everything!" Billy hissed at him once he got ahold of him, tripping him to the floor and kicking his stomach repeatedly as he heavily huffed and puffed. "Everything was going so fucking good and you fucked it up for me!" Billy continued to strike Tommy in his gut as he grew already tired from using his arms to continuously strike his face from the start of the fight.

Adrienne immediately brought herself to stand from her loneliness, dusting her self off as she realized the more Billy could do to Tommy, the quicker he can kill him, with a saddened sigh she marched her way towards both boys, more so Billy.

"Billy." Adrienne whispered at him, wrapping herself in the comfort of own arms, as Billy immediately soon after hearing her whisper stopped torturing Tommy and whipped his head to meet her tear stained eyes.

"Adrienne...baby...please just let me explain." Billy pleaded at her, tears glistening in his eyes as she quickly avoided them, knowing she'll quickly fall for his beautiful blue ones.

Adrienne shook her head, an obliged answer to him where she didn't want to know anything, all she wanted was for him to stop, stop before he could potentially put Tommy in the hospital.

"Let's just go." She whispered as she shakily offered her hand for him to take, Billy's own tears starting to spill from his eyes as he wiped them quickly and grabbed hers and they both stormed off their way towards his car.

In complete silence, both Billy and Adrienne sped their way off Carol's lawn, together. Both sat in regret, anger, guilt, humiliation, shame, and pure devastation.

Once making it to Billy's Camaro they both stood quiet, not even daring to step inside the car, the air thickened with tension between he two, heavy breathes of exhaustion escaped from them both, pure silence, until Billy dared to break the silence.

"Baby—" Billy started softly before Adrienne's emotions once again came to play, the second Billy attempt to get closer to her, to hug her she immediately started shoving him, over and over again.

"Adrienne, listen to me!" Billy started as she continued to shove him away from her, her tears becoming visible.

"Why...WHY! You asshole!" Adrienne spat at him before stopping her shoving and wrapping her arms around herself as she sobbed, trying to comfort her own self.

"I FORGOT ABOUT IT ADRIENNE!" Billy groaned throwing his arms up in defense.

"Oh you forgot? You forgot you were using me for fucking money and popularity? That's not something you just forget!"

Adrienne felt the absolute utterly betrayal that was caused by Billy Hargrove, her heart stung, stung to the point where she swore she could feel her own heart shattering within her.

For the little time it was and what she had progressed in her "fake relationship" with Billy she hated how easily she fell for him, she hated how in within those 2 months from Halloween to now almost Thanksgiving she allowed herself and her heart to open up to him, with what was supposed to be an act of revenge on someone else, it turned out to be revenge against her.

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