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"If he gets to do it why can't I?" Adrienne scoffed at Eddie, glaring directly at Billy who was exaggerating his flirting with Lisa sneaking smirks and glances to Adrienne.

"Because you're better then that?" Eddie said as he tossed a one of his carrots at her.

"Okay Mr. Too Quick to Fini—"

Eddie yelped a quick "Shh" at Adrienne which made her scoff and slightly bop her head to the side, before her moment was ruined by the irritating laugh that came from Lisa.

"I'll be back." Adrienne gritted through her teeth as she met eye contact with one of the Basketball Boys that sat a bit across where Billy sat, in shock Adrienne even decided to look at him, he blushed. Making Adrienne get a boost of self confidence.

Gliding smoothly over with a devilish smirk prawned on her lips with a bounce in every step she took, she made her way over to the boy who was named—Ethan, he had dark hair, brown eyes, deep dimples and a small beauty mark on his cheekbone, he was cute, adorable even, but obviously not someone for Adrienne.

Approaching Ethan with a smile, she propped herself to sit on one of his thighs, making Ethan shocked and clearing his throat at Adrienne, others confused yet intrigued at Adrienne's boldness, she could feel Billy's eyes burning into her, which one made her smile at Ethan more.

"Hi." Adrienne whispered at Ethan making him blush and use his free hand to rub his jaw.

"Hi." Ethan nervously flashed his teeth at her, if she wasn't so hooked on playing this game with Billy, maybe she'd consider it, but as of now this was just her ego talking.

"Are your dimples real by chance?" Adrienne smiled at him, poking at his cheeks causing him to chuckle at her.

"Are you real by chance? Because no girl has ever been bold enough to shoot the first move."

"What can I say, once I see something I want, I get." Adrienne eyed him up and down before giggling to turn her head to see Billy staring, as Lisa continued to laugh, only making Adrienne raise her eyebrows at him with a smug look on her face.

"Well beautiful you got me." Ethan smirked at her before Adrienne internally gagged in her head.

"I know." She placed a soft slow kiss onto his cheek, before springing herself off his lap and walking back to where Eddie and the rest of his Hellfire friends sat before shooting a wink in Billy's direction making him tighten his jaw.

"Maneater." Eddie shot at her with a little shake of his head biting into his sandwich.

"Thank you." Adrienne proudly replied to him before they both snickered.


Adrienne inhaled sharply as she was forcefully late by Eddie to her last period discussing the details of how him and Y/N Carver finally gave it another chance, in her head proud of Carver actually think about her own feelings, but making her late to a class she didn't feel like confronting Billy in, was the part she wanted to avoid. Swimming open the door of her English Class with eyes of peers she was used to seeing everyday and a questionable glare from Mr.Hayes.

"You're late Byers." He huffed at her as she avoided his gaze and continued to walk towards her seat with a mumble of "I know" Mr.Hayes sighed and resumed his lesson as Adrienne quickly sat next to the masculine figure that didn't think twice of watching her.

"Where were you." Billy scoffed, a slight hint of jealousy and anger in his voice, stiffening his jaw continuing not to stare at Adrienne, which was only entertaining her more.

LoveGame || Billy Hargrove (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now