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Entwined in their toned-naked bodies in Billy's small but comforting bed, Adrienne traced her fingers along his sleepy esstate of his face, tricking her fingers to outline his features while he peacefully slept. Adrienne placing delicate kisses against any available presence of his skin, putting a stop to her tracing, feeling Billy use his own hand to grab ahold of her wrist and lazily glide her hand over his face.

"Feels good, keep doing it." Billy croaked, the deep raspiness of his sleepy voice seeping in.

"It's 11 in the morning, you have work in like an hour." Adrienne whispered placing more kisses on his face.

"For someone who's bitchy and hates everyone and everything, you're very touchy feely you know that." Billy fluttered his eyes open to stare lazily at Adrienne.

"Okay Mr. I hate everyone except you." Adrienne smirked at him making Billy throw his arm around her, pulling her closer towards him.

"And you're the exact same way and I love it." Billy whispered placing a soft kiss on Adrienne's forehead.

Until the loudness of a slam of a car door interrupted them, making Billy and Adrienne share a look before  scrambling to throw their clothes back on.

"I thought you said they wouldn't be back until tonight!" Adrienne groaned jumping up to button up her high-waisted jean shorts.

"Yeah well obviously change of plans babe." Billy scoffed peeling on a simple black tank top, especially cut off from the sleeves to make his arms appear more broad and toned, catching a glimpse of Adrienne staring at his arms. "You're drooling."

"Shove it up your ego a little more." Adrienne scoffed fixing her hair with her fingers, adding more volume to her blonde wavy hair.

"I'd shove something up you." Billy surprisingly growled as he wrapped his hands behind Adrienne's waist, rolling his hips and himself against her jean material covered ass, making her inhale sharply and twist her body to face him, before a light knock and faint voice of both Susan and Neil were at Billy's door.

"Why are you not freaking out? I have no place to hide." Adrienne whispered as she watched Billy approach his door.

"For what? You're my girlfriend stupid." Billy sighed before swinging open his door.

"Girlfriend?" Adrienne and Neil questioned before standing awkwardly to see the spawn of Satan himself and Susan who looked between Billy and Adrienne.

"Yeah, girlfriend." Billy said in a smug tone as he "introduced" Adrienne once again to his father and Max's mom.

"GIRLFRIEND?" Max shouted from the kitchen poking her head through the door frame.

"Yes?" Adrienne questioned before Susan smiled sweetly to her.

"I told you she would be a pretty girl to be with." Susan glanced over to Billy giving him a sincere smile, and Neil studying Adrienne from the doorway.

"Since you're my son's girlfriend, allowing me to come forward and say that we got off on the wrong foot, so let's move past that. Start fresh." Neil coldly crossed his arms at Adrienne and small curl of his upper lip making Adrienne nervously laugh and nod.

"Yeah.. I apologize for that." Adrienne nervously but confidently said, feeling intimated by of course Billy's father. Why wouldn't she be, she knew what HE was capable of.

"Okay...nice little reunion but I gotta get her back home for she can get ready for our date tonight after my shift." Billy interrupted clearly saving the conversation between Adrienne and her father. Grabbing Adrienne's hand to interlock it with his thick one, guiding her as she whispered bye to Susan, Max, and Neil.

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