Chapter 1

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(Picture of Heaven)

Bring.... Bring...

The piercing sound of my office Telephone rang through the silence. " Heaven Silver"

"Hey babe.... came the familiar voice of my boyfriend Jordan.

"Jordan, I told you, you cant be calling on the office line"

" I know but its real quick, I wanted to tell you that we have to go to the charity fundraiser for Cancer Trust "

Jordan was very passionate about children as just 2 years ago, his little sister who was only 7 died of leukaemia. She was a very cheerful and even though she knew she was dyeing she lived life to the fullest and was always happy with a big smile on her face.

"Yes Jordan I know, ill be there with my family. In fact we can all meet at your house and take a private car to the venue. " I said to him.

" Ok that's a good idea, see you at 6:00, Love you"

" Love you too" I replied meaning it fully.

Jordan and I had been dating for 6 years and were thinking of marriage.

No sooner had I put the phone down, it rang again.

" Heaven Silver" I said for what seemed the 100th time today.

"Don't Heaven Silver me , you forgot to tell me about the fundraiser" My best friend Harmony screamed at me. Even after living in America for 10 years her voice still had that slight Spanish accent.

" I know im sorry it totally slipped my mind" I apologised. "Ok I forgive you but if you do that again I will beat you ,am I clear"

" Crystal" I replied. Harmony was a very successful Model.

" Oh yeah and we are meeting at bae's at 6:00 so be ready by then and don't be late or else." I warned Harmony was always late and not because she was just normally late but because she thought it was good to be fashionably late.

"Ok, adios Hermana"

" Adios"

I was really good with languages seeing as my mum was Spanish, my dad was Italian and I took French in school. But I had to learn other languages as my clients were form all around the world and I needed to be able to communicate with them.

It was now 5:00 so I called it a day and locked my office. Taking the lift down. It was raining. I ran to my car and jumped in immediately putting on the heater and starting the car.

I connected my phone to the car and played Wiz Khalifa ft Charlie Puth "See you again" quite loudly to drown out the silence and sped home.

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