Chapter 14

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The air made my hair fly back ad drove so fast, the fastness gave me a thrill the motorcycle felt one with my body.

My mind was wandering as I drove with no plan of where I was going just that I was going somewhere.


I came to a stop at a bar called 'Main Bar'. I took out my phone and walked inside, sitting down at the bar, the male bartender, who was quite hot, looked at me in a suggestive way.

He came over. "What is a pretty girl like yourself doing here at this time of night" he asked

"Well, I wanted to come out and drink by myself for a bit then I'll work out the rest along the way" I say in all seriousness frowning a little. What was I going to do after?

He laughed, his laugh a deep timbre. " You are too cute" .

"Well what will you have" he asked politely "hhhhhhhmmmm" I pondered for a moment

"Stroke your chin it helps you think better" he suggested jokingly. I stroked my chin and thought.

"My friend Vanessa drinks a lot and she told me to try jager and Red Bull but she also said I should try Rum and Coke, Which one should I choose?" I asked him

" I don't know you choose" he told me not helping at all. " OOO I have an idea lets play rock, paper, scissors, you be Jager and I be Rum and whoever wins I drink that drink" I said feeling so smart.

"Ok then be ready to get beaten" he said arrogantly. I raised an eyebrow " No I always win so you get ready to cry " I said challenging him.

Ok "Rock, paper Scissors" we both said and both did rocks. " Rock, Paper, Scissors" we said again, Him choosing rock and me paper .

"Ha eat that" I screamed doing a mini victory dance which consisted of the Nae Nae and the whip, showing off my mad skills ;)

Many people gave me weird looks so a sat back down and smiled at him "Ha eat that Sucker"  i tokd him, feeling triumphant

"Whatever, I would have won I just let you win" he smirked " no you didn't and you know it, you lost like a little b!tch" I laughed, He laughed and said " So that means your having Rum and Coke"

He got my Rum and Coke. I drank and drank, soon finding out that his name was Jacob I got his number and left saying bye to him and giving him a hug.

I could handle my alcohol and was only slightly tipsy.I hopped onto my motorcycle. I know riding after drinking  #ThugLife

Riding for a while I came across a big field, I felt a pull toward something and started to drive in an unknown direction. After riding even longer I came across a huge mansion slightly bigger than mine with many cars in the driveway, there was loud music and it seemed they were having a party I drove towards the gate and they opened automatically. Well that's a bit stupid anyone could crash this party, like me . I thought smirking before parking my bike and taking out my phone; I walked inside the mansion.

The loud sound, smell of alcohol and sweat greeted me as I walked in. People passed out drunk on the floor, others making out grinding and all kinds of things.

I really needed to pee so I walked to the bathroom. The line! It was too long by the time I got there I would have pissed myself.

I came to a huge staircase with two bouncers standing there.

" uh hi " I greeted. " I really need to pee and the line over there is to long  so could you be so kind as to letting me go upstairs .

The bouncer in the right shook his head and crossed his arms.

I rubbed the side of my neck desperately needing to pee and moved the collar of my coat as it was extremely hot in here.

The bouncer on the left took of his glasses and his eyes zoned in onto the mark on my neck left there
I walked into the first room I saw and lo and behold......

......a couple having know what ......... They were to drunk to notice me so I retraced steps and closed the door, leaving them to their business.

I walked to the next door and opened it, thankfully finding it empty. I walked in and smelt the most heavenly scent, it smelt like something familiar, I just couldn't place the scent.

There was a adjoining door which I assumed would lead to a bathroom.

Walking towards the door I opened. Wow the bathroom was so extravagant. The tiles were black and it was huge. The shower stall was huge you could fit an elephant in it.
The bath was huge and could fit two people, if not three.
I pulled down my yoga Pants and sat on the toilet. My phone pinged in my pocket and I took it out reading the text I got from Vanessa my friend.

Where are you ?? The text read and I replied.
I just went for a night ride on my motorcycle.

By now I had finished peeing and was about to get up when the door opened. Some how I had missed another door to the right and in walked........

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