Chapter 17

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A pounding in my head woke me up and I moaned painfully... My eyes seemed to be glued shut and I could not open them, however I did not want to. The bed was soo plush and comfortable....

Then everything came to me at once. The walk...the chase...the random guy who saved passing out...

My eyes sprang open immediately and I looked around the very large room... The walls a deep navy blue, the curtains long and made of velvet, the huge tv against the wall and many devices... The huge mahogany bureau with a Laptop and different bottles all neatly arranged on top.

Looking beneath the duvet, I was relieved when I found my dress still on.

Normally I should be freaking out. Like I could have been kidnapped by any mental person... But then again a mental crazy person wouldn't have a room this luxurious and huge.

Getting out of the bed, I walked slowly towards the door, putting my ear on it to hear if there was anyone outside. Nope just silence....

I opened the door slowly, the door giving away without so much as a creak, sticking my head out of the door I looked left and right to find an empty hallway.

Stepping out I picked right and started walking right ... I walked for a while before I heard footsteps heading my way I looked left and right and found no way out except one door, quickly I ran into the door and shut it... Hearing the footsteps outside the door go past and fading I sighed and relaxed slightly.. Till I heard I voice behind me.

" sooooo, you must be Heaven" 


Turning around slowly...... I saw a man, tall with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, his dimples revealed as he was smirking at me.

" depends on who's asking " I replied warily, eying him up and down incase he made any move to grab me.

Seeing the look I was giving him he put his hands up as if in surrender
" don't look at me, what I'm about to do is not because I want to, but the Alpha asked me to so I can't disobey him"

His eyes flickered to the left, indicating he was going to attack me from the left, as soon as his feet darted to the left I swerved and jumped up high, making my hands land on his shoulder with my legs up in the air like a handstand ( thankfully I have shorts underneath my dress) and flipped over him so that all my weight was on him when I came down, landing lightly on my feet so the guy would fall backwards, hit his head on the floor and go unconscious.

However this guy was tough and was immediately on his feet as soon as his back hit the ground. Crouching lower he growled and lunged at me again, ducking down I kicked his legs out from underneath him so he landed once again on his back...

Taking no chances this time I sprang up and landed on him reaching down I pinched a muscle in his legs which caused his legs to go dead.

On the floor struggling, I stood up as he looked up at me, glaring.
"" he asked bewildered
" well, did you think just cause I'm a girl and I'm wearing a flimsy long dress that I could beat your ass" i said smugly

" just don't fight me on this. Wait till my legs are awake again and let me just take you to the Alpha." He pleaded.

" so you want me to let my self be kidnapped... Yeah OK "

Tired of his chatter I pressed down on his pressure point and immediately he was out.

" well , now I have to find my way out of this place and home " I pondered and walked out the room , crept down the stairs till I came to the same hallway I had been in the night I was out riding on my bike and met bénédict... Just with less people and less music and more light and cleaner....

Running towards the door... Which seemed to be the main entrance, I turned the handle....

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