Chapter 8

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(Picture of Benedict Steel)

"So why do want this land in particular " I asked sincerely curious.

"I have set up where I want each of my building to be built and the part I want is your land as it is nearer to the city centre and I would get more profit out of it"

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't say no and keep the land, I could build one of my hotels there instead or another Mama's restaurant and get even more profit" I challenged seeing if he had the brains to persuade me out of it.

"Because if I built my buildings on your land you could be a share holder and we could share the profit between us. Also you have no use of the land you already have 3 hotels in this area, how many more do you need. You are a billionaire like me, you can build it anywhere else you don't have to build it there" He challenges with a hard edge to his eyes which said he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"You have balls, you need that in this business" I informed him "Ok , I will give you the land on one condition, we make it public that we have agreed to a contract after I pass it over my board of directors."

"Ok deal" he replied

"Now its still only 7:30 we have time so lets eat"

He pressed a bell and the waitress who was giving me dirty looks came running.

"Yes sir, you wanted...." she asked him batting her eyelashes, looking like a complete idiot.

"I want to order the beef in black bean sauce and plain rice" he told her ignoring her lame attempt to flirt with him.

"And what do you want Miss. Silver?" he asked me

"I would like the sizzling seafood platter with a side of biryani" I told her not caring about the dirty look she gave me.

"Anything else you might want Mr Steel......" she said meaning more than food.....

"no thank you" he said brushing her off and dismissing her with a wave of his arm.

She walked of swaying her hips, trying to look seductive but clearly failing.

"So now that the business is done, lets talk" he suggested

"What do want to talk about" I asked eyeing him warily

"Don't look at me like that, im not asking you to get naked, I just want a friendly, innocent chat" he said innocently like that was the most normal thing to say.

"Tell me a little about yourself, I have to know a bit about my business partner"

"Ok ...... Well I live on my own I have a twin brother called Hunter who has a beautiful wife and a adorable 4 month old daughter. As you know I am a billionaire and have many hotels and businesses all around the world."

I informed him

"And you? if you are going to know about me, I have to know about you too.."

And we talked and eat and drank till we were drunk off our asses....


"HAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed so hard my belly hurt.

"Your serious, you stripped naked and jumped in your neighbours pond??? You stupid penguin!"

By now we were both soooo drunk. I don't even know how I allowed myself to get this drunk....It was soo easy for me to be free around him.....

"Yeah than their dog cashed us and we had to run....Me and Luke have been partners in crime since the beginning ...." he said "You know what we should do ?" he asked me

"What should we do? "I asked

"We should go to your house and chill " He suggested as equally drunk or even more drunk

"Ok" Lets go." I replied

He pulled lots of money blindly out of his wallet and flung them at the table.

Together we stumbled outside and hailed a taxi.

"To my house!!!!!!! UP UP AND AWAY" I told the taxi driver

"Ma'am, I need to know where you live to take you home" he told me in a 'duhh' tone.

I told him and we arrived at my house.

"Woah your house is big .... but not as big as mine" he said showing off.

I took my keys out of my clutch and we walked ...... or more like wobbled inside.

Throwing of my coat and throwing my clutch aside I clambered off the stairs and flung my self on the bed. I heard shuffling and things being moved about downstairs.

Minutes later in came he came in carrying bottles of alcohol, crisps, popcorns, sweets and nearly everything in the snacks cupboard which was a lot....

He dropped them all on the bed grabbed the remote and put on a Korean drama Called 'Exo next Door' which had fit Korean boys in it and it was really good.

We ate and drank lots of alcohol whilst watching the Korean Drama and the night went on.

At one point I realised I did not know his name, so I asked him

"What is your name ?" I asked

He replied drunkly " I like to think of myself as Winnie The Pooh or Dora The Explorer"

"No your real name" I commanded

"The name my mother gave me ?" "Yes " I said

"It is Benedict but im French so say it in a French accent " he said.

Sooner or later we fell asleep in the food and slept peacefully until the next morning.

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