Chapter 18

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                             find it locked.

" awww fuck sake " I muttered.
Now you have to find another way out my alter ego stated

Really ? I replied sarcastically.
Walking to the centre of the hall I did a 360 spin and counted several doors leading to several unknown places.

But one door really caught my eye, two huge doors with gold door knobs and intricate designs on the surface of the door. Slowly I walked towards the door and turned the door knobs but they did not budge. Running my hands over the designs I could make out a scene ..

On a hill was a golden wolf staring up at the sky with a cross over its head , around it all holding hands was a demon, feline like animal, Phoenix and a human being with white eyes and dark spiral-like tattoos covering every inch of its body, all also looking towards the sky and at the base of the hill were several more wolves with their heads bent down towards the ground as if in fear but loyalty. Except one wolf who had a crown over its head and was massive compared to the rest of the other wolves, even bigger than the one on the hill, it was pitch black and beautiful, it's eyes staring lovingly at the golden wolf on the hill.

The scene was breathtakingly gorgeous and I felt warm inside till I looked at the other door which had the same scene except this time the golden wolf was on top of a stone slab with a sword sticking out of its chest and holding the sword impaled in the wolfs chest was a female woman with curly hair. The wolf and the female stared into each other's eyes, both with the exact same green eyes.

Around the stone slab were the same creatures that had been in the first scene, however this time in stead of holding hands they all lay dead on the floor.

Every single one of these creatures staring up at the sky without seeing it.

The others several wolfs also all lay at the base of the hill dead. The magnificent pitch black wolf had its mouth open, growling at the sky with tears leaking from its eyes looking towards the sky likewise in pain and agony.

The scene was so devastating, but I could not take my eyes off it, I felt tears sliding down slowly one by one down my cheeks but still, I could not take my hands off it.

Then a voice very close behind me whispered in my ear "it's very sad isn't it, all joyful and glorious in the first then all of them dead, just like that" the persons breath hitting and causing me to shiver.

The familiarity of the voice broke me out of the trance and I turned around to come face to face with.

" Bénédict!" I growled the previous sorrow forgotten and now just anger overtook my body.


Bénédict POV

I saw her staring up at the doors with great sorrow on her face and I knew straight away that she would be a great Luna Queen.

Walking towards her, she was so engrossed in the pictures that she did not hear me approaching, sanding very closely behind her I whispered in her ear " it's very sad isn't it, all joyful and glorious in the first then all of them dead, just like that "

I felt her shiver and instantly was turned on. So quickly that she gave me whiplash, she turned around and enraged she spoke

" Bénédict!" She looked so mad that I took a little step back. I was Alpha King, nobody scared me. But Damn was she scary right then...

Then much to my surprise she kicked me swiftly and hard In the groin. I crumpled to the ground and groaned in pain... Shit! She was strong...

" that is for kidnapping me and making me have to fight your stupid friend" she whisper yelled...

Kidnap her! Was she completely out of her mind I did not kidnap her ! In fact
When the pain started to subside I looked up at her and said " I did not f!cking kidnap you" I said slowly as to not make her even more mad "and what friend?" I asked.

"That stupid one right there " she exclaimed pointing behind me, turning around I saw who it was she was talking about ...

" Michael, you fought her...." I growled angrily and even though he was my best friend and my beta, nobody touched my mate.

"No, I did not fight her, she fought me and even knocked me unconscious." He said bewildered... Shock written on his face... I was shocked too, Michael was my beta and the strongest most skilled person in the werewolf community... Well after me... How did she beat him ? It was almost impossible. Turning away from Michael I looked at her with awe and admiration. My mate was going to be an awesome Luna, if she could beat my Beta she could beat anyone... Well obviously everyone except me.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" She growled.. Woah she seemed so cranky today.

"Nothing, are you hungry, do you want me to make you something " I asked sweetly.

Glaring at me she replied "no I don't want your stupid ass to make me anything... I'll make it myself, so show me were the kitchen is " rather startled by her rudeness I walked towards the kitchen with her trailing behind me.

I knew why she was in such a bad mood, I could smell the blood coming from her... She must be on her period.

Leaving her in the kitchen to make something I quickly ran up the stairs to my room to grab my phone. I had one text message from my third in command Melissa informing me on a meeting coming up soon. Just as a was about to walk down the stairs I heard a big crash.

Quickly I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my mate standing over a broken plate on the floor and crying heavily.

Rushing to her a picked her up as sat her on the counter, inspecting her I asked worried " are you hurt or in pain" looking for a cut. She shook her head and looked up into my eyes with her big beautiful green eyes that were watery with tears. She said something but she was crying so heavily I did not understand I word.

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