chapter one

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Sunghoon was being petty, insisting on walking me to my classroom even though he was supposed to be in his own building with Jay. He was glued to my side, scrutinizing my schedule.

"I think you have Social Science first," he said as we navigated the halls of our new school.

"Great, but which room is it?" I asked, stuffing my phone back in my pocket after sending Jimin and Chanyeol a message saying we arrived safely.

"I have no idea," he replied, his tone flat.

A whistle cut through the chatter, and I turned to see a guy in a leather jacket smirking at me, ignoring Sunghoon entirely.

"Did he just whistle at my baby sister?" Sunghoon's voice was dangerously low.

Before I could react, he spun around to the guy. "She's not available for you, asshole! Try that again, and I'll beat your sorry ass!" Sunghoon shouted, flipping him off.

The guy slinked away, and Sunghoon scanned the hallway, daring anyone else to try something.

"I hate boys like that," he muttered, and I nodded.

After ten minutes of wandering and enduring stares, we found my class just in time.

"Jay would hate me for telling you to use your phone in school, but text or call me if any guy pulls a stunt like that again," Sunghoon instructed.

I nodded, sending him off to his own class. Walking into the classroom, I noticed only a few students had arrived. Jay's punctuality obsession had rubbed off on Sunghoon, and by extension, me.

"Hi, I'm Park Jiyoo," I said quietly to the teacher.

She looked up and nodded. "I'm Miss Jung Choyeon," she replied, returning to her papers.

"Can I sit anywhere?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers.

"Anywhere you like," she said without looking up.

I chose a seat in the far back left, beside the window. Perfect for observing everyone.

Sliding into my seat, I pulled out my earphones and played Stranger by Lauv, cranking the volume. As students trickled in, I watched them talk to Miss Jung or sit down with friends.

I pulled out my notebook and scribbled "Park 'Jade' Jiyoo" on the front cover with a sharpie. Just then, a guy strolled in, ignoring Miss Jung's wave. He had dark hair with blond highlights, a few face moles, and an effortlessly cool vibe. Every girl in the room seemed to take notice, some giggling, others eyeing him with flirty smiles.

I pretended not to care and focused on my playlist when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I pulled out one earphone and looked up to see the guy smirking down at me.

"You're in my seat," he said.

"The teacher said we could sit anywhere, so this one's mine," I replied.

He huffed. "Get out of my seat, Princess."

"Sorry, not sorry, pretty boy," I shot back, putting my earphone back in.

"I'm Ni-ki," he said, pulling my earphone out again.

Taylor Swift's Mine blasted from my phone, and he grinned. My cheeks burned as I quickly paused the music and shoved my phone away.

"A Swiftie, huh? Not bad. I prefer Shinee. Heard of them?" he asked, biting his lip.

"Don't know," I muttered, sinking lower into my seat.

"What's your name, Princess?" he persisted.

"Don't call me Princess. Only my brothers can call me that," I snapped.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now