Chapter Sixteen

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Eversince the fight between me and Sunghoon, I am not doing great. Yes, Jimin had chosen to stay in this house for a few nights to keep me company while Jay is always on his twin's side, trying to make him talk to me.

However, we both know how the tiramisu loving dork has a pride higher than the Mount Everest itself.

I have him read like a book now. You have to talk to him first before he do anything about this problem between us.

The thing is, he'll actually be guilty to but would not say anything.

Not until you have to drag him out of his usual icy cove.

"So I've been trying to bring it up, but it's about time we talk about the elephant in the room", Jay says after dinner when I'm watching TV in the living room with Jimin.

Jay, being the usual brain in the twins, have to drag out Sunghoon out of their bedroom, whether he likes it or not.

"Well, make your other half talk", Jimin says, making Jay and I look at each other before looking to the sulking Hoon.

"The two of you needed to make up", Jay says, his hand tightly holding onto his twin.

His twin who may or may not run up to their room if he so much lets go.

"Even if we talk about it or not, I won't agree with what you all want", Sunghoon said brusquely.

"I haven't done anything wrong!", I snap.

"I'm only looking out for you!", Sunghoon counters back as he finally looks at me.

I was about to give him more of what I think when Jimin interrupt us, "Hold on, hold on. Calm down, guys"

We both look at him. Sunghoon is scowling like he ate something bitter while Jay is rubbing repeatedly on his temple.

"Hoon, why do you think we should not lessen our rules on Jiyoo?", Jimin asks, his voice so calm, it's working on the tiresome twin.

"Because she wasn't going to end up like some girls I know. No way in hell would I let that", Sunghoon says, shaking his head.

"Treating me like a damn caged bird won't make me feel better and for one thing, it's unfair that you don't trust me at all. I will never get a life like this", I rant, sitting forward in the couch.

Sunghoon opens his mouth to reply again, but Jay cuts him off.

"Alright, stop. It'll just get worse if you keep forcing what you want, Hoon"

"But do you agree with this, hyung? Are you not worried about what she could get into?", Hoon says roughly, turning to glare at Jimin.

To the brother who has enough sense not to retort back at him. He just stood up from beside me and then lays a hand on Sunghoon who were so out of it, he is trying to calm him down along Jay.

"Snap out of it, Hoon. Perhaps it's about time to listen to her", Jay says exasperatedly.

"You just don't care enough", Sunghoon says, turning to give him a dirty look.

In that moment, I guess Jimin did not like the way the younger twin was acting like that towards Jay, so he actually took an action between the two.

"Listen up, you're the youngest in the boys of this family, you shouldn't even get a say in the rules. So why don't you just close your mouth and let me deal with this myself?", he snaps, making Sunghoon's face slightly go red.

We all quivered from different sitting places as the nicest and calmest one of the brothers were now obviously furious at the turn of this situation.

Let it be a reminder that Park Jimin is the scariest of my brothers if you make him mad.

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