chapter seven

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As Sunoo and I devoured the delicious fries, I couldn't help but revel in the cheesy goodness the waiter had graciously piled on for me with just a wink. Sunoo's voice pulled me back from foodie bliss as he mentioned something about cheer tryouts.

"Cheer tryouts? Tonight?" I asked, mouth still half full of fries.

"Yeah, there's been some mix-up with the flyers. Supposed to be next week, but I'm all in for giving it a shot. You should join too! Imagine us on the same cheer team-I'll be lifting you up!" Sunoo exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.

I shook my head, swallowing a mouthful of fries. "Nah, I already turned down one offer."

"Ever been a cheerleader before?" Sunoo asked curiously.

"Yeah, at my last school. But I think I'm good without trying it again," I replied, shrugging.

"We'd make a great team though! It'd be so much fun with you around," Sunoo bounced in his seat, his smile lighting up the dimly lit café.

Before I could respond, Ni-ki slid into the booth beside me, effectively trapping me and removing my hand from Sunoo's cheek. "Sorry, Sunoo. Our date's been hijacked," I joked, glaring at Ni-ki who was grinning mischievously.

"Come on, this isn't really a date. Besides, Sunoo's not exactly into girls, and I may have had a crush on him once," Ni-ki teased, leaning closer to me.

"You're insufferable," I flicked his nose playfully, though secretly finding his antics strangely endearing. He pouted, looking younger when he dropped the facade of being aloof and cool.

Glancing over at Sunoo, I noticed him grinning widely, his phone already aimed at us for a picture. "Sunoo, delete that right now," I demanded, feeling my cheeks warm.

"Sunoo hyung, send it to me," Ni-ki chimed in eagerly, slamming his hand on the table, making Sunoo burst into laughter.

"Neither of you are getting this," I groaned, rubbing my temples. "Ni-ki, just let me have a peaceful dinner with my friend."

"We're neighbors, and let me tell you, stumbling upon your brother throwing out the trash looks like he's ready to kill when he sees me," Ni-ki said, munching on my fries unabashedly.

"That's Sunghoon for you," I muttered, imagining how intimidating my brother could be.

"He seemed determined to scare me off. Like I was a threat or something," Ni-ki continued, unfazed.

"Well, they're not thrilled with you because you keep ignoring their warnings and treating me like I'm helpless," I explained, poking his chest lightly.

Ni-ki grabbed my finger and tugged me closer, grinning. "Tell them I can be a good boy for you."

"Gross," I recoiled, pushing him away and leaning against the booth's wall.

"Most girls would kill to be in your shoes," Ni-ki smirked, undeterred.

"Yeah, well, maybe you should go for those girls instead of bothering me," I retorted, grabbing my phone to check my messages.

Ni-ki's eyes lit up as he glanced at my phone screen, spotting a photo I'd sent to Yujin. "Damn, you look pretty in that dress, Ji," he teased, leaning in closer.

"Hey, don't look," I snapped, pulling my phone protectively to my chest.

Ni-ki tilted his head, smiling smugly. "Why are you always so beautiful?"

"Why can't you ever take a hint?" I shot back, glaring at him.

Ni-ki shrugged, his smile never faltering. "Because I like you."

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now