chapter eleven

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As I lay there on the couch, wrapped in my fortress of blankets, I couldn't help but feel defeated. My brothers had conspired against me, and Jimin's unwavering determination meant I was no match for his persuasive skills.

"I can't believe you're making me do this," I muttered, poking my head out from under the covers to glare at them.

Jimin flashed me a grin, undeterred by my protests. "It's for the greater good, Jade."

"Greater good my foot," I retorted, crossing my arms and pouting.

Sunghoon chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Come on, Jade. It won't be that bad. Maybe Ni-ki's not so bad after all."

I shot him a skeptical look. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who had to endure his relentless flirting today."

Jay nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Sunoo really did a number on you, huh?"

I groaned, sinking deeper into the couch cushions. "It was unbearable. I felt like I was trapped in a cheesy romance movie."

"At least it was entertaining for us," Jay teased, nudging me playfully.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. As annoying as my brothers could be, I knew deep down they had good intentions. Even if it meant enduring a dinner with the Nishimuras.

Just then, Jimin's eyes lit up with mischief. "Alright, team effort! Let's get Jade ready."

Before I could protest, all three of them swooped in like a whirlwind, each grabbing one of my limbs and lifting me off the couch.

"Hey! Put me down!" I squealed, flailing helplessly as they carried me towards my room.

"We're not taking no for an answer, Jade," Jay said with a grin.

Sunghoon chuckled. "Time to change into something presentable."

With much protest and a lot of laughter (mostly from them), they deposited me on my bed. Before I could escape, they surrounded me, each holding up an outfit they deemed suitable.

"You can't make me wear that," I protested, eyeing the choices skeptically.

Jimin held up a dress. "This one will make a great impression."

Jay waved a shirt and jeans. "Or you can go casual chic like me."

Sunghoon, with a mischievous glint, produced something wildly colorful. "Or this! It'll show off your personality."

I buried my face in my hands. "You guys are impossible."

Jimin grinned and nudged me playfully. "Come on, Jade. Just pick one. We don't have all night."

With a resigned sigh, I grabbed the least outrageous option and started changing. As much as their antics annoyed me, there was a warmth in their insistence that I couldn't deny.

"Fine," I muttered, slipping into the outfit. "But if this backfires, it's on all of you."

They laughed and cheered as I emerged from my room, ready to face whatever awaited at the Nishimuras' dinner. With my brothers by my side, at least I knew there would never be a dull moment.

Half an hour later, there I stood, dressed in my bunny pajamas and fluffy slippers, feeling utterly out of place among my brothers who looked like they were ready to meet royalty.

Jay and Sunghoon had somehow transformed into models for a high-end fashion magazine, while I resembled a child who refused to leave the comfort of her bedroom.

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