chapter three

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Dinner time for our family is always a big deal. Jimin, as the oldest, insists we all share what happened during our first day at the new school. It's also the time I'm most excited about Jay's cooking-it's legendary.

"So, how was your first day at our new school, sis?" Sunghoon asks over the dinner table.

"It was okay for me. You guys?" I reply, deciding to keep my run-in with Ni-ki to myself.

"Could be better," Jay and Sunghoon say in unison, which always creeps me out a bit. They don't usually speak at the same time, but when they do, it's a stark reminder that they're twins, even if they aren't identical.

"Did you make any friends?" Jimin asks, shoving more tteokbokki into his mouth.

"Uh, kinda. There was someone in one of my classes. They seemed nice," I say, keeping it vague. No need to mention that my potential friend, Sunoo, is a guy.

They all nod, focusing back on their food.

"I still miss Yujin," I tell them, stabbing a piece of sausage on my plate.

"I know, Princess," Jimin says softly. "You can call her and text her whenever you want, but you need to think about making friends here. It'll make school more fun."

"Thanks for the reminder. Really makes me feel better," I snap, glaring up at him. The twins' heads whip around to look at me, and Jay frowns deeply.

"I don't like your attitude today, Park Jiyoo," he says, and I know he means business when he uses my full name.

"Well, you can't blame me," I mutter, putting my fork down.

"We can't do anything about it. For now, please don't raise your tone like that to Jimin hyung," Jay reminds me.

"I'm going to bed," I announce, standing up and heading upstairs.

Once I'm in my new bedroom, I look around. It's nice, just unfamiliar. It's bigger than my old room in Busan, with plenty of space for myself. There's a bean bag across from my bed, a small bookshelf filled with my favorite novels, and shelves for my stuffed animals and dolls.

I flop onto the bed, sighing. I kind of regret snapping at Jimin, the sweetest brother. I can't tell them how much I miss my old life. I don't want our new house, new friends, or new annoying boys. I want to go home. But my home is where my brothers are, and they're all here.

I grab my phone and FaceTime my best friend from Busan, Ahn Yujin.

"Hey girl, what are you doing?" she asks, grinning as her face pops up on the screen.

"I miss you a lot. School is confusing, and apparently, I have an attitude," I tell her, sighing and tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Who said that?" she asks, her grin fading into a frown.

I sigh loudly. "This irritating dude. He was annoying me all day, calling me 'Princess.' Can you believe that? He even asked if I'm single, even though my face screamed rejection," I vent, tugging on my hair.

"Is he cute?" she asks, making me glare at her through the phone.

"He's confident and definitely knows he's good-looking. So, of course, he is."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I was trying to cheer you up. You're right, guys like that are a menace, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there to kick his ass."

"It's fine. But I want to make friends, like my brothers keep saying. Will they like me? That's the question."

"Girl, you'll be fine. It's nerve-wracking at first, but it gets better, I promise," Yujin assures me.

"We'll see," I say, smiling a little. She grins back.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now