prologue ⚊ present

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My name is Park Jiyoo.

I'm seventeen, living in the Gumjeong District of Busan, South Korea, and I attend the Busan High School of Arts-the same school my brothers went to before they headed off to college.

Oh, did I mention I have four overprotective, overbearing, and overwhelming brothers?

The eldest is Chanyeol, or Yeolie. He's thirty, lives with his fiancée Akira, and only visits on special occasions like my birthday because they're expecting a baby soon.

Chanyeol practically raised us after our mom passed away giving birth to me, her miracle child, and our dad spiraled into grief. It's like he blames me for her death. When Chanyeol turned nineteen, our dad left us and only sends money when we really need it.

Next is Jimin, twenty-five, who lives nearby with two friends, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. We think there might be something going on with one of them. Jimin's the sweetest and spoils me rotten.

Then there are the twenty-year-old twins, Jongseong (Jay) and Sunghoon. They're fraternal twins, totally different but inseparable. One's introverted, the other's extroverted, and both are hilarious.

And then there's me, the only girl in the family, who feels pretty boring without them. They mean everything to me.

But something big is about to change that soon.

I walk into my room and decide to get dressed before any of my brothers come barging in. It's my first day at a new school, and I want to make an impression without falling under their absurd rules for once.

Since winter is just ending, I choose a dark leather skirt and tuck in a black sweater. I throw on sheer tights and my black boots. On a second thought, I pull half my hair up with a big black bow and check myself in the mirror.

I like it.

I grab my backpack and see the bathroom door is finally open; I share it with the twins since their room is across from mine.

Grinning, I lock the door behind me and start applying light makeup. Anything more, and my brothers will definitely notice.

After finishing, I grab my bag and head downstairs to the kitchen. I sit at the table with Sunghoon, Jay, and Chanyeol, grabbing a piece of toast. I can feel their eyes on me.

"Good morning," I murmur through a mouthful of toast.

Instead of responding to my greeting, they zero in on my outfit like I've committed a grave offense.

"What now?" I ask, rolling my eyes and bracing myself.

And here comes the barrage of criticisms.

"Why do you need to wear makeup?" Chanyeol points at my face with his fork.

"I think your skirt is too short," Sunghoon frowns, pointing at my legs.

"What happened to the nice jeans I picked out for you last week?" Jay chimes in, predictably.

I groan, banging my forehead on the table, wishing for just one ally.

"Because everyone wears it. My skirt isn't too short, and I'm wearing tights. The jeans can be worn another day," I respond.

Just then, Jimin walks into the kitchen. He kisses my cheek and smiles down at me. For being the second eldest, he's the smallest in height, while the rest of us are giants.

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