Chapter Twenty

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My mind is all over the place. The pieces of my brain tumbling everywhere, straying as far as I could grasp.

In my panic to get away from that boy's house, I hadn't said my greetings to my three brothers arriving and they were all startled to see their little sister having a mental breakdown as she skids past them.

They even hear me on my way up to the room, shrieking and slamming my door before I jumped into my bed. I snatch my phone from the bedside table and starts calling my bestfriend in my panic.

I can't possibly call Sunoo. He'll quickly tattle on the whole reason for this.

For this I don't know crisis.

Once Yujin finally answers, she was meet by my screaming voice which were obviously having a hard time to understand.

"This.. This isn't happening, Ahn Yujin. Help me!", I tell Yujin in the facetime.

Her eyes were wide to see me like this, "What happened to you? Did you get into an accident?"

I holler, "Something worse. It's something worse!"

"What is it then?", she asks, probably now fine to realize I wa just overreacting.

"Remember that kid I told you?"

"The boy next door?", she replies and seeming concern.

I look around, trying to see if any of my brothers could be eavesdropping from the door. When I hear they were all downstairs, I began to tell the story to Yujin in a very frantic way.

"And then.. then my heart stammered at the very sight of his smile to me. What the hell is happening, Yujin?"

In answer to my exaggeration, she actually laughs out loud from her line and I stare at her in the screen, dumbfounded at her reaction.

"You're in panic over that?", she question, sounding like she couldn't believe it.

I frown, "Because this is certainly concerning. Right?", I ask back in return.

She runs a hand through her short hair then looks at me while smiling big, "I think you didn't realize what it really was"

"Realize what?", I must have look so clueless, it gives her another reason to laugh.

After calming herself down, she smirks at me and say, "That you were attracted to that boy"

I didn't manage to answer that for short while, as if I needed to process it and then let it sink in my brain then I sputter out.

"No way in hell I would like that boy"

"Well, I think only you could say that for now", she retort before she can stop herself.

Her eyes draw back into something on her room, the same look of amusement she always wore if she knew I'm in panic over something like this.

It's almost playful.

"I mean, why would you even worry about him? And Jiyoo, I know you as the bitch who can push a guy away from you if you don't like them"

It's the first time she pointed out the obvious to me, and it makes me feel a way that I'm much to embarassed to admit. Yujin adjust herself in her bed, and I look away, feeling my cheeks to burn at what she said.

"You're cute when you're in denial, Jade"

I glance back at Yujin, who is already looking at me in amusement.

"Are you saying I might have a crush on him?", I scoff.

"If that's what you think it is", she says, a smug smirk on her lips.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now