chapter six

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People often assumed that between the Park twins, Jay was the loudest. But only if they knew the real deal-Sunghoon could out-yell anyone, especially when he was trying to get his point across.

Just when I thought the argument would end once we got home, I was proven wrong.

"Oh come on, Jiyoo! You can't handle guys! You think you can, but what about physically?" Sunghoon yells as we walk into our house, Jay quickly distancing himself from us.

We're still having that damn argument. Great!

I slam the door shut behind me and drop my bag at my feet before turning to look at Sunghoon. "I'm already seventeen! I can handle one jerk by myself!"

"Park Jiyoo!" I hear three voices in unison. Jimin appears just in time while Jay and Sunghoon give me their stern, parental looks.

"What is this about?" Jimin asks, putting a hand on his hip, looking between Sunghoon and me.

"Nothing," I huff, walking into the kitchen, but of course, they all follow me.

"Obviously, it's not nothing when you're using language," Jimin says as they all watch me, frowning deeply as I climb onto a bar stool.

"A guy at school is bothering Jiyoo, and she won't listen to us," Sunghoon says, crossing his arms and glaring at me.

"Well, he keeps telling me that I can't deal with that guy alone!" I do air quotes to emphasize how irritated I am.

"Maybe he's right," Jay comments, and I'm not even surprised. It's his twin, after all. Of course, he'll take Sunghoon's side.

"I can't believe this," I snap, rolling my eyes again, hopping off the stool and walking to the stairs.

I ignore Sunghoon muttering something under his breath. I can live without hearing it anyway.

I grab my phone and quickly call Sunoo, who gave me his number not long ago. We've been textmates lately. He picks up after a few rings.

"Hey, what's up?" he chirps-ever so happy.

"I'm annoyed. Wanna go out tonight?" I ask, a little too bravely.

"Annoyed? Why?"

"Yep, if I don't leave here any minute now, I might kill a brother named Park Sunghoon," I admit, rubbing my temples as he laughs.

"Okay, well, I can give you a tour of our city if you want. Then we can grab dinner or hang out at my house. I know a great place, by the way."

"Alright, perfect. I'll send you my address," I reply, standing off my bed with a smile.

On the other side of my room, right across from my bed, is my closet, so I head over there. I pick a decent outfit for the sake of my condescending brothers: ripped jeans, a plain white shirt, and a cute heart-shaped top.

It's cute but not over the top. And there's no way my brothers would let me leave the house showing any skin, right?

I exit my bedroom and head to the kitchen, still hungry.

Grabbing a bag of chips from the counter, I sit on the barstool while waiting for Sunoo to pick me up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jay asks, finding me dressed to go out.

"I'm meeting a friend," I say shortly, giving him a smug smile.

"Like hell you are. It's already about to get dark," he mutters before calling for backup. "Sunghoon, Jimin hyung, come in here! I need a hand!"

I shut my mouth and look up at the ceiling as the two other Parks enter the room, their eyes immediately zeroing in on my outfit.

"What are you doing?" Sunghoon asks, the look on Jimin's face indicating he wants to know too.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now