Chapter Fourteen

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It had gone all awry in the room the second Akira mentioned the obvious among the brothers when it comes to me.

And they were all now looking at her in surprise while I actually thanked her in the way I was looking at her gratefully.

"How come you're like that to Sunghoon?", she starts quietly from beside me.

"What do you mean, Rika?", Chanyeol asks, when no one understand what his wife was talking about.

And that's where it all began.

"Oh, don't be stupid, hon. You guys didn't bat an eyelid when Sunghoon here is starting to have a love life and that is also a boy. Well, I'm not against that, but why is that the minute something starts with Jiyoo here, you were all blocking her from that chances as if she doesn't make choices for herself?"

It's so great to finally have another girl in the family. At least somebody is on my side here.

For the first time in my life, I can have an ally who isn't a boy.

When no one says anything, Chanyeon blurts out a silly excuse,"It was just because she's.. still a baby", he tries and Akira cuts him off.

"Stop, Jiyoo is not a baby anymore. I understand from your side that she is the baby of your family, but you guys were being unfair to her and if you didn't stop sooner or later, I won't be surprise if she starts hating you all one day"

She turns and looks at me, telling me to elaborate where she saw me with my teary eyes looking at her.

"She's right. While I love it, but sometimes you guys can get overboard where I felt that I can't do anything right if any one of you is not near me. I hate it, I hated that feeling like I will always be a little kid in your eyes", I say before moving a little closer to Akira.

Jimin flinches a little at my words. The twins can only look down, so I couldn't see their reaction whereas Chanyeol only nodded for me to continue.

Given that chance to speak, I let it all out to them.

"You need to realize that I'm going to be okay on my own. Not every boys can be like our dad. I'm not telling you guys to leave me alone, but please be less stricter from now on towards me. Please"

Sunghoon looks up at the ceiling, not meeting anyone's eyes. Jay is messing with his twin's hair. Jimin is massaging his temples. Chanyeol is looking at Akira, holding her hands as we waited for their reaction.

After a long unnerving moment, Chanyeol looks at me, "Okay, guys. Listen"

All the younger brothers' head shoot up and they stare at him in anticipation.

"Jade is right. She is not that little girl anymore, as much as I hate to admit it. She's a good girl, she listens to all our rules all her life and look at her now. She's responsible and can be independent on her own. She needs that in this big city", he explains.

"Hyung, if we let her be on her own, you can never know what will happen!", Sunghoon says, making me gape at him a little.

"What the hell does that mean?", I counter.

"I mean, I know the way it works. We give you no curfew, the next thing we know you're not going home until the next morning. I'm not gonna let it happen", he tells me and I glare at him, snapping my mouth shut.

If I open my mouth, I might have said something that they will not like to hear. Plus, I don't want to stress Akira more than she already looked right now.

"Alright, Hoon. That's enough. Our Princess isn't like that", Jimin interrupts, now going over to stand between the twins and I.

"Exactly, because we're not going to let her have an option to do so. I intend to keep it that way", he keeps going.

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