Chapter Fifteen

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Oh, hell. My luck since the altercation with Sunghoon seems to run out. I had been in a bad mood all morning, you see.

I still get a ride from the twins and Jay was talking to me like nothing is wrong, except that his twin is acting like I'm invisible inside the car.

Being as petty as him, I didn't even give him a glance and now that I'm putting my things in my locker this afternoon, all I could think about is how can he not see that I'm probably more mature than he thought of me.

I guess it must have been a long time I'm standing there when somebody tapped me on the shoulder.

I turn around to see some dude I've never met yet in this school.

"Hey", he says, flashing me a smile. He has a blonde hair that's been artfully bleached too much, and you can tell from the way he touched it that it's his pride.

I only give him a blank stare and pressing my back against the locker, waiting to see what this blond mess need from me.

I need to get at History and I don't have time for pleasantries.

"I just want to ask your name, pretty", he gives me what I think is supposed to be a flirty smile, but it honestly just comes as cringy.

Or trying way too hard.

"Oh my bad, I thought you were just on my way", I deadpan, tiltimg my head at him.

His confident smile wavers, but he quickly recovers, "You're funnily cute"

I continued to give him a look, a look that says for him to move aside and let me go on my class.

"So I guess you're new here or a transferee and if you were an old student, I might've long notice your gorgeous face", He says, pressing his hand on the door of my locker and next to my head.

He even had the nerve to completely stand close to me.

"Can you like, give me a space? We're not close, dude", I say, pushing his hand away from my face, which made him frown.

He backs up a bit and let out a little small laugh, "So, when did you transfer here?"

"Try asking the moon", I reply, giving him a bored look.

He tries to hide the fact that he's getting infuriated at me, and shoves his hands in his pocket.

"I'm Hajoon, by the way", he introduce himself and I sigh, running my hands through my hair that I curled in a volume waves.

"Well, apart from the fact that I wasn't interested, I have to get to my class. Bye", I say, pushing past him, but he grabs my arm and turns me around.

I quickly pull away from him and shoot him a murderous glare.

"You never told me your name"

"I don't care about that. Did you not get it or are you usually slow?", I reply, talking to him like he's five. Maybe that'll get something through his skull.

Why can't he get the signs that I do not want to lengthen this interaction?

He grabs me again and before I got the chance to give his hand a slap, someone else grips it that is clamped tightly on my wrist.

I look up to see Ni-ki. Anger doesn't seem to cover the look he's sending Hajoon. If anything, I could say he was ready to kill.

I can see him squeeze the hand of this guy tight enough the fingers go white and the veins on his forehead were on show. That's when Hajoon had the mind to let me go.

I pull my hand back and shakes it off. What is wrong with that dude?

"Can't you see she's not okay with you touching her?", Ni-ki snaps. He looks borderline scary, like he could pounce on this dude any minute.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now