Chapter Eighteen

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May I remind myself that Park Jay, for all his promises to make my life easier, only meant those words if it will not clash with his time for his other half.

One of those times happens to be today when I madly needed him for my geometry assignment.

I was stressing about it before actually doing it when he entered my room, dressed in a casual clothes for going out of the house.

"Hey, Princess", he greets me upon meeting my glaring eyes at his get up.

I'm sitting at my desk in my bedroom, lonesome and stress.

"Could you please stay for a while?"

He shake his head, "You know I can't. Or else I have to deal with a sulking Hoon afterwards"

"Always favoring the twin", I sulk.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to campus to watch his practice, and Jimin is coming as well to cheer him on, so it'll just be you here. I'm also planning on taking them out for golf after, so I guess we'll be back by eight pm. Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?"

I look up at him and nod, "I'd rather be here than watch some men sweating down to their clothes", I tell him.

"We'll bring you something like your favorite strawberry cheesecake", Jay grins and ruffles my already messy hair.

I swat his hand away but crack a smile, "Yay!"

I hear them leave a few moments after with Sunghoon yelling his bye to me from down the stairs. And after another hour or so of working in my homework, I finally finish.

I decided then to go downstairs to find something to eat in the kitchen. All I can hear around the house were quiet hums of some of the home appliances, there's absence of the usual noises you can here from my brothers.

Not being used to it, of course.

This was like the first time they left me all alone in this new house.

To ignore that feeling, I cooked something instant before I walk to our living room and turn on the TV.

I choose Crazy Rich Asians for the sake of missing Rachel Choo. I've finished the series of the book and wanted more to see it in a movie.

Just as the main couple were on the way to meet Araminta and Colin, my phone rings, jolting me out of my daze and I pick it up.

Expecting it to be Jay checking up on me, I'm startled to see it's the boy next door in the screen. I never added his number on my contact list, but apparently he got ahold of my phone and changed it to 'my baby'.

He also has a pouting selfie going on and I'm definitely going to send that to his bestfriend.

The same bestfriend Kim Sunoo who also had given me a series of messages.

sunoo : just updating u with my wonderful progress in love life today

sunoo : your brother invited me to watch him in their practice

sunoo : why did u not tell me that your other brother is also pretty good looking?!

sunoo : he waved at me!

sunoo : 🥰😘 i'm inlove

I cringe at the screen to see him having a good day to see my brothers like Jimin before I put Ni-ki's calls on silent and let it ring.

When it became obvious he wouldn't stop in calling me, I finally snap and get it over with as they finally showed Peik Lin in the movie I'm trying to watch.

Falling For The Park Brothers' Sister ⚊ Nishimura Riki EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now