She looks so perfect (muke)

875 16 3

"I made a mix tape straight out of 94' got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor and I know now that I'm so down"

No one saw it coming. Michael being whipped was not something anyone expected, not even you, but he was. He was totally, incredibly, and kind of pathetically infatuated with you. He would do anything, and I mean anything for you, and he didn't plan on letting you go anytime soon.

Another thing no one would expect was Michael to be a cheesy romantic little fucker, but um guess what he was. He did all these stupid little things just to make you smile and it was amazing. He bought you flowers, brought you food whenever he felt like it, wrote songs for you, bought cute little stuffed animals and left them in random places along with cute love notes, and your personal favorite he even made you mix tapes.

You guys weren't even that serious when this all started, so you thought it was just the thrill of the chase, but a year later and he still continues with his shenanigans. You aren't complaining at all because in all honesty it's exactly the kind of relationship girls dreamed of. He didn't cheat, he didn't lie, you guys rarely ever even argued, he didn't pressure you to do anything you didn't want to, and he just took care of you and loved you. What more could you ask for? Let me tell you: nothing. It was perfect. He even solved the distance issue (that used to cause a lot of arguments) by just taking you on tour. Everything with Michael is just freaking amazing there is no other way to describe it.

Michael had been sentenced to a 17 hour day at the studio so he slapped a 100 in your hand and told you to go do something fun. Again amazing. So listening to Michael you called up your girls and you all went out clubbing. You didn't go anywhere fancy just some dingy club you guys spent most of your teenage years in having fun. Since the club wasn't nice in anyway and you being more of a tomboy you just wore your ripped up skinny jeans and your favorite shirt, nothing fancy.

You told Michael not to wait up because you knew you'd be home late and he would be straight up exhausted. He texted back a short 'k love ya babe have fun' and you were off. You had predetermined you weren't going to drink a lot because you wanted to drive home and you can't do that legally or safely if you are completely hammered, so most of the night you just drank soda, but you still had a lot of fun. Who needs alcohol anyway? Finally after dancing and giggling for hours with your friends you decided to head home at around three in the morning.

Walking into your shared bedroom you find Michael sleeping peacefully. You pull off your shirt and unbutton your skinny jeans just leaving them on the floor and you slip on Michael's "Sex Pistols" t-shirt and your shorts. You slip into bed right next to Michael and give him a kiss on the fore head and fall into a peaceful slumber right next to him.

"Let's get out, let's get out cause this dead beat towns only here just to keep us down."
(He isn't in the band in this one)
You stood behind the counter of Starbucks in your annoying uniform and tapped your fingers on the granite countertop. Bored was an understatement there was literally nothing to do besides blow bubbles with your chewing gum because it was freaking dead. This was your usual day, so you were used to it. You have lived in a small town your whole live so you're very used to being bored and everything being empty. The most exciting thing that's happened in the last few years was the new Starbucks in town, but now the new has worn off and everything is back to being boring yet again.

Suddenly the ell above the door chimes and in walks a familiar blonde boy. "Hey babe." he smiles.

"Hey Lukey."

"How has your day been?" he asks.

"Boring as per usual." You shrug. "How was yours."

"The same. I'm so sick of this town it always so boring here and I feel like if I live here forever nothing is going to come of my life."

"You feel like this town is a waste of your time?" You ask trying to help him explain.

"Yes exactly. ugh I hate it here I just wanna leave." He complains.

"Then why don't we?"


"I said why don't we. Why don't we pack our bags and leave? Let's get out this dead beat town is only here to keep us down." you say.

"We have no where to go." he argues.

"My dad lives in (a big town near you) he'd let us stay with him."

"I can't just stay at your dad's place babe he'd shoot me. literally."

"My dad loves you don't be stupid Luke. All we have to do is get in your car and go. We can look for jobs and get on our feet and then we're out. We've escaped." You reason. "C'mon Luke you said it yourself this town sucks and all it's doing is holding us down. This is our chance Luke." you basically beg.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.

"Yes! A million times yes. it will be so amazing Luke I can see it."

"Alright then. We're running away." he decides. you crawl out from behind the counter and hug him also placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love you." you say placing your forehead on his.

"I love you too." he states stealing another kiss.

I'm sorry these were late.

I'm sorry these were bad.

And I'm so so sorry that I am a terrible author.

But I love you guys so much and thank you for 1.5 k reads that is fucking amazing I'm so damn happy you don't even understand. I never thought that I would ever get 500 reads let alone 1500 reads you guys are amazing. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Don't forget to vote comment and share please because it makes me really fucking happy when you do.

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