She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5

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Beauty Queen of only 18 she had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her she always belonged to someone else
His p.o.v.
"(Y/N) you look stunning." I said. "You think." "No I know that dress is gorgeous." (Y/N) dragged me to a bridal shop to help pick out her prom dress. "I don't know Luke it's kind of tight it makes me look big." "No it doesn't it makes you look perfect." (Y/N) has always been insecure and for no good reason, she's the most beautiful wonderful girl to ever walk this earth. I don't get why she can't see that. "Thanks Luke I think I'll get this one." She smiles. "I'm always here to help. So have a date yet?" "Actually I do." "Oh yeah that Drake guy right?" I put on a fake smile. I wish she could see that I like her more than a friend and I would ask her out, but she's always with someone else. "Actually no we broke up. I'm going with Ryan." she smiled. See what I mean? Her and Drakes relationship lasted less than a week and the next day she's got a new guy wrapped around her finger. "Oh."
The day before prom.....
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" "He he dumped me Luke. And the day before prom." she sniffles over the phone. "It's ok (Y/N) that d0u<he doesn't know what he's missing." "He ditched me for Tiffany." (I am just using random names sorry.) "I'm sorry." "Why won't guys stay with me Luke? What's wrong with me?" She sobs. "There is nothing wrong with you, you're perfect. It's those d!<ks fault that they can't see what your really worth." "Thank you..... Luke you never told me who you were going to prom with." "I'm not sure I'm going to prom." "What?! Why?! You have to go!" She shrieks. "I don't know it's just not my thing." "Luke!! It's prom you have to go!!" "It's to late anyway I don't have a tux or a date." I reason. "My dad has a tux that might fit that you can borrow and we could go together. As friends of course." "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yes o my gosh this is going to be amazing!! You're gonna look so cute in your tux and who knows you may even find a girlfriend!! You would not believe how many people go to these things single!! We're gonna have so much fun!!" "Yeah." I sigh. Will she ever think of me as more than a friend?
I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door
I've you so many times but some how I want more
His p.o.v.
"Come home (Y/N)." I begged. "I am home Ashton this is my home." "No I mean come home with me please. I miss you. I need you." "Ashton you had your chance. You've had so many chances I just can't do it anymore. I love you Ashton but I can't do it." "I promise I'll do better. I need you please don't leave me." "How many times have you've said that? And how many more times do you expect me to believe you?" She asks truthfully. Here we are again had the same stupid fight for the same stupid reason. We have a toxic relashinship always have always will, but this girl no matter how bad we are together always leaves me wanting more. I cant live with her, but I cant live without her. What can I do I need her? Do i just let her go right here and right now or do I keep trying? As the saying goes if you love something set it free and if it comes back to you its yours to keep, but if it doesnt it was never yours to begin with. "Ok (Y/N) but just know that I will always love you." "I know Ashton I will always love you too. Im sorry we didnt work out, you'll find someone better for you I know it." "Goodbye (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." "Goodbye Ashton Irwin." She flashed me one last broken smile then shut the door.
I don't mind spending everyday out on your corner in the pouring rain look for the girl with the broken smile ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved and she will be loved
His p.o.v.
"Michael what are you doing here its freezing and youre standing outside in the rain?" she asks. "How ya doing?" "I'm ok, but seriously why are you standing out here youre gonna get sick?" "I dont care i needed to make sure you were alright. I wouldnt mind standing out here on your corner everyday if I knew it would help. So honestly how are you feeling?" "Honestly it hurts like he\\." I open my arms and embrace the broken girl standing in front of me in a hug. "I know, but at least you got to love her even if it were only for a few days. And she will always be in your heart. She will be loved and missed." I cooed. "Yeah Thank you Michael for always being here for me." "Its really no problem." "I love you." "I love you too (Y/N)." A few weeeks ago (Y/N) was in the hospital giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, but something went wrong and the baby was born with a major birth defect that took her life three days after it began. (Y/N) is being so strong and just putting on a broken smile and pretending that she is alright, but I know that this hit her like a train. And I plan to be the best boyfriend I can be and help her get through it. It's a little harder now that her parents band me from their house, but I'm still gonna try.
I know I tend to get so insecure it doesn't matter anymore
It's not all rainbows and butterflies it's compromise that moves us along
His p.o.v.
"He's my friend Calum it was a friendly gesture." "Sure kissing you on the cheek is a friendly gesture." I retorted sarcastically. "You kiss girls on the cheek all the time, but you don't see me getting all mad and protective." "That's different their my fans." "Yeah complete and total strangers whom you've never met, but when I kiss a person I've known for years and happen to trust with my life it turns into this. It's ridiculous." she snapped. "You're ridiculous." "Nice come back dumb a$$." she sasses. I roll my eyes. She sighs heavily. And now we're just standing there looking into each other's eyes. "What happened to us?" She asks barely above a whisper. "We used to never fight like this." "Relationships aren't always rainbows and butterflies there are bumps in the road, but as long as we still love each other we can make it through." "Can you just tell me why you got so mad? Do you not trust me?" Tears brim on her eyes and I step closer to hers taking her hands in mine. "It's not that I don't trust you, I just... I'm always afraid that you'll find someone better who will be there for you when my job doesn't allow me to be. It just scares me that you're going to leave me for someone better." "Cal I couldn't possibly leave you for better because in my eyes there is no one better than you. I love you with all my heart and there is nothing that will change that fact. You don't need to be insecure." She tilts my chin so I'm looking her in the eyes and then slowly presses her lips to mine. "I love you." she says. "I love you too. More than you know."

ASHTONS CAN MAKE ME CRY THE COVER OF THIS SONG BY LUKE AND ALEISHA CAN MAKE ME CRY SO BASICALLY I'M AN EMOTIONAL WRECK RIGHT NOW ok breathe breathe anyways.... sorry that Calum's sucked and I'm sorry if I made you emotional like I made myself. Xox
QOTC: fav emoji?
I like the lipstick stain
(See what I did there^^ lol)
And the pizza and the lol till you cry emoji and of course :) and ;)

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