You wear his clothes

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Your hair would just not cooperate with you today and it was really starting to upset you, you had already had a bad day and all you wanted to do was go out with your friends to dance the stress away but noooo your hair was not having it. After trying everything and not being able to get it right you just gave up. You sighed and plopped down next to Luke while still in your party clothes . "Are you ready babe?" He asked.

"No." you sigh. "Luke I can't get my hair to cooperate and I just want to go out and look good and have fun because my day has been terrible and-"

"Shhh love it'll be alright and you look beautiful, but what's wrong with your hair maybe I can help?" He cooed.

"It's all frizzy and in my face, it won't even go in a ponytail without looking weird." you complained.

"I think I have something to fix that give me a minute." he said holding up his finger and running down the hall to your shared bedroom. He soon came back and placed a plain black SnapBack (that by the way matched your outfit) onto your head. "Perfect." he smiled dragging you out of the apartment.


Being sick sucked. You had the chills, a sore throat, a fever, you were sneezing, coughing, and you just felt bad. Ashton had to take off work just to take care of you. (he didn't really have to but he wanted to be "the hero" apparently) "Do you need anything babe?" He asked sitting down next to you and moving the hair away from your forehead. You shrugged intertwining your fingers with his. "I need you." you answered quietly.

"Aww babe you're such a cheeseball." he laughed. "Shut up and snuggle me Irwin." you ordered then started coughing. "You know what never mind I don't want you to get sick." you said when you were done.

"I don't care I'd get sick for you any day."

"Now who's the cheeseball eh?" You teased your giggles turning into more coughs.

"Aww babe I'm so sorry your sick." he cooed. "Are you cold?" He asked noticing you shiver. You nodded. "A little bit."

"Here." he said pulling his hoodie over his head and handing it to you. "That way you'll be warm and you'll sort of get to snuggle me because it's my jumper." he smiled.

"Thanks Ash I love you."

"I love you to babe I hope you feel better soon."


"No. Nope. Not wearing this. Absolutely not. What the fuck even is this, why do I own this? I don't even like this band what the hell? Gosh I need a new wardrobe." you sighed. You were digging through your closet to find an outfit for your day out at the fair. This was a date with Calum so you felt your outfit had to be perfect even though if you wore a paper bag he would still think you looked amazing. "Ughhhhhhh." you huffed lying down on your bed.

You flipped over on your bed and right there staring you in the face was Calum's NASA shirt. You thought about it for a minute and how cute it would look with you high waisted shorts and black converse and you decided that it was the only thing even appealing that you found to wear so you were going to wear it. After finishing your hair, but no makeup (because you are beautiful af and I want u to remember that) there was a knock on the door. You rushed towards it pulling it open and were immediately embraced by a Calum hug.

"You look wonderful as usual." he smiled and kissed your cheek. "Wait Wait Wait." he said stepping back and checking you out. "Is that my shirt?"

"Maybe." you answered begging to blush.

"Wow you look fucking hot in my clothes." he breathed leaning down to kiss your lips. You giggled smiling into the kiss. "I love you." he said once he pulled away.

"I love you too." You said and then he took your hand and drug you to the car (no dirty minds now) so you guys could head to the fair.


Michael was still asleep at 1 in the afternoon yes, but he needed his rest and you didn't have the heart to wake him up, and that's fine until you spill your drink all over the only clothes that you have and Michael is your only ride home.

So you went into his room and you were going to wake him up until you heard him snoring softly and saw the bags under his eyes that were prominent yesterday were beginning to fade. "ugh." you sighed. You decided to just jump in the shower to get the sticky off of you and stuff.

After finishing your hot shower you wrapped yourself in a towel and decided to just wash your clothes. You left the bathroom and threw your clothes into the washer. When you came back into Michael's room you realized you couldn't just walk around in a towel all day so you looked around Michael's room and found a pair of sweatpants and a Metallica t-shirt and grabbed them. You put your underwear and bra back on since they weren't sticky and then placed Michael's clothes on top. You left the bathroom again at almost 2:00 p.m. and your stomach grumbled.

You were in the kitchen making eggs when two arms wrapped around your waist and a gentle kiss was placed to your neck. "Good morning." Michael mumbled into your shoulder with his adorable raspy morning voice. (WHERE IS MY AIR WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF MORING MICHAEL IS MY BÆ ASDFGHJKL)

"More like good afternoon but whatever." you teased.

"Yeah yeah. I'm just letting you know you look really fucking attractive in my clothes and I would really appreciate it if you wore them more often."

I'm sorry this took so long and it was short and it was bad.

These r actually getting harder for me to write BC I have like no inspiration so you guys r going to have to comment what u want to c please please please.


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