He cheats [Malum]

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Mr. I-do-what-I-want-I'm-punk-rock:
Lately you've been noticing Michael has been nervous and fidgety around you, but you don't know why. You've asked and he just said it was nothing which only makes you think something's up. "Let's play truth or dare." you suggest. "Why isn't that kind of childish?" "Aren't you kind of childish??" You tease "Plus I'm bored." "Fine." he huffs. "Yay thank you!" You say pecking his lips. "Ok you first." "Y/N truth or dare?" This went on for a while until Michael finally chose truth. "You've been acting really weird lately what's up?" "I didn't say truth Y/N... I said dare." But he didn't, so he's avoiding the question which defiantly means this is BAD. "I dare you to answer that question." You sass. "I-I don't want to." "Why?" "Because you'll leave me." He explains avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his hands. "No i won't, it's not like you cheated... Right?" He doesnt answer. "Wow ok how long has it been going on?" "It only happened once." he whispers.

You stay silent as hurt tears start to run down you face. "I can't beleive you." you finally say. "Neither can I." He argees. "This would be easier if you'd just leave." His voice cracks at his sentence. "Aren't you going to explain?" You ask tears streaming down your face. "No." "Why not?" "Because there is no explaination besides I'm an idiot." "I hate you so much right now." "I hate me too." He says bitting back tears. "Michael...." "Please just leave. The longer you stay the more it hurts." "I don't want to." "But you need to, you need to find a guy that will give you the whole world because thats what you deserve, you need to find a guy that won't  fuck up time and time again, you need to find a man that's better than me, so please just pack your things and go so you can be happy. I want you to have the perfect life even if I'm not part of it, because I love you and I want you to be happy and I just know that I'm so wrong for you, so please don't break my heart anymore and just leave." He cries. You wrap your arms around his sobbing body rubbing his back and playing with his hair as he cries into your chest. "You just said yourself you want me to be happy and I can't be happy without you, trust me I've tried, so I dont care how many times you fuck up I'm always going to come running back to you because I love you and I can't just walk away. Are you ever going to do it again?" He shakes his head violently. "Never." "Ok then were ok, you're forgiven. I love you Michael and I need you and only you. There is no one that I rather have. I don't want the world I only want you do you understand?" He nods. "Please stop crying I dont like seeing you cry." You smile wiping under his eyes. "I love you princess." "I love you too Michael."


You are sitting with your boyfriend of 7 months watching a movie and cuddling. He's been playing on his phone throughout the whole movie, but you think nothing of it because he is a national superstar he's probably on twitter following some fans. "I'll be right back babe." He says kissing your forehead to go to the bathroom you assume. You decide to follow some more fans using his twitter account to make them smile, so you unlock his phone to see it's open on messages. You're not one to snoop, but you saw something that caught your attention, your name in his phone has always been 'princess', but you see his most recent conversation to be with someone named 'Bae'. You're not one to snoop as you said but you know what bae means so yeah your going to snoop.

To Bae: I cant wait to see you again.

From Bae: IKR i had so much fun last time ;) but I hate that we have to sneak around :'(

To Bae: Me 2

From Bae: Then why dont you just dump that bitch Y/N and be with me full time? U dont even like her why are you with her?

To Bae: Im working on it but I can't just ditch her she's a nice girl I don't want to do that to her.

From Bae: Fine just get rid of her soon please???

To Bae: I will I promise. ILY

From bae: ILY2

"WHAT THE FUCK!!" You scream. "Babe what's  wrong?" "Don't babe me I'm not your babe." "What's  going on? What'd I do?" You throw Calum's phone at him and run up the stairs beginning to pack a bag after you slammed the door. "Babe! Babe please?!" Calum bangs on the door. "Go fuck yourself! Or better yet go fuck that fucking whore you had so much fun with last time!" You yell. "Babe it was a mistake please open the door and I'll explain." "I don't want to hear your explanation you lying cheating bastard!" "Babe it was a one time thing I promise." he says. "Calum I saw the fucking texts I'm not stupid. You wanted to get rid of me now you have so don't fucking beg me to stay when you don't even want me." You snap closing your suitcase and yanking open the door. "Babe please don't do this." he says blocking your path. "Move the fuck out of my way. Now." you order. "I love you please don't do this." he begs. "No you don't. You never did. And now you will never get the chance to. You're a sick, lying, cheating, pathetic, bastard and I never want to see you again." You spat pushing past him.

And you never did. You never saw him again.

Ok I'm sorry this took forever I'm terrible I know, but I have literally been brain dead and I have been working on my other two fanfics I'm so sorry.

*sends pizza and kisses from 5sos*
Please don't forget to vote and comment it means the world to me I love you.

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