Ch.1 void

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"ahh where am I," I said in my mind because I couldn't feel a mouth. I can't see anything but darkness around me and I think I'm the only one here.

The last thing I remembered was that I was reading a novel and suddenly I felt a strong earthquake.
After that, the ceiling suddenly gave way and I lost my mind.

"so...I'm dead. I know I'm dead, where am I? Shouldn't I be in hell or heaven? It's not hell or hell because I know hell will burn you with a flaming fire until you die. suffer for your sin. It's a more impossible heaven, because it says in the Christian Bible that heaven is very beautiful and full of angels." I said in my mind.

Unknown time has past

I don't know how long I've been here. Because there is no sun that rotates here unlike on earth. And I don't know what to do here, he sang the songs that I know, I don't even know how many times I have to repeat that.

As the time that I'm here goes on, I'm also losing my boredom because I feel like this very dark place is becoming my home. I don't know but I feel connected to this place.

"gooooodmorning..self." I said in my mind. This has become the routine of my life or I'm dead, I don't know what to call it. But that's right, since I learned that even if I'm just a soul or whatever my current form is, I still have the ability to sleep.

This is what I am doing because I have realized that this is the new life and I am happy with it. And I can feel the strength of this place connection to me and I feel that's the reason why I don't get bored in our place alone.
I feel happier here than in my previous life.

But of course I still feel sad when I think about my old life because I have not yet fulfilled my dream of having a beautiful wife and cute children.

And I know that will not be fulfilled because of my death. But thanks to this place, I don't feel that anymore because of the joy I feel here.

Unknown time has passed again

"Wake up again." I said in my mind. At least this is what I do every time I wake up.

"Ha!! What is that." I said to myself. Because something strange happened. I see a light that I think is coming towards me. I just saw this in my time in my house. (I really considered this place my home.)

Soon the light was in front of me and I was surprised by what I saw because what was in front of me was not just any light. I see a huge human shape that looks like it has the skin of a galaxy and it's so bright that if I had eyes I'd be blind for sure.


"Oh! talking." I said in my mind out of shock. Only now I will hear a voice other than my voice that I hear in my mind.

"Just now I saw a creature that did not disappear and still lived, in this nothingness. And with your soul I can assure you that you are only a mortal." said the giant in front of me.

"umm...hello." I said in my mind even though I wasn't sure if he would hear. Because I don't have a mouth to speak.

"What is your name little mortal." asked the giant in front of me.

"uhmm I don't remember." I said to the giant, I just don't know if he can hear me?? But I'll tell you the truth, I'm not sure how long I'll last, but it's enough to forget. I have forgotten a lot but because of the joy I feel. I feel like I don't care about the things I had there before.

"hmm...let me help you remember." he said. Right after he spoke, all the memories that I had forgotten came back. I remember my name correctly.

I'm Adrian Reyes right and that's not the only thing I remembered I remembered the manga and anime novels that I like to watch and read and I remembered my other dream besides having a family.

That is to have powerful powers and go to different anime or novel dimensions using the legendary system. I turned my attention back to the giant in front of me.

"Adrian." I answered and I was sure that he was hearing my thoughts, I remembered what I was thinking earlier that's why I couldn't help being shy.

"Don't be shy because you're not the only one who thinks like that." the giant told me.

"Sorry." I said while looking up because it was really big. I feel like his toes are a thousand times bigger than mine.

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