Ch. 19 OneHit

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Before jiwoo could move. I grabbed the highlight. I appeared in front of verus so fast that a normal eye couldn't follow.

"Me, why insect. Do you have a problem?" I said. The hunters behind me were surprised because of me. Except for Jinwoo, maybe he expected me to be strong because of what happened earlier.

"You killed my queen, so I have to kill you too" I suddenly felt a strong wind behind me.

I took out the yuro from my pouch. Which surprised the hunters behind again.

verus unleashed a devastating blow that hit yuro. And because of the strength of impact absorption of the euro. The blow that kills an S rank is as light as a feather in front of a yuro.

Venus' punch continued for a few seconds, catching all the yuro. Which amazed the hunters behind again.

"Wow, his strength. It's like he doesn't have the punches of that humanoid ant." said a cameraman wearing a soldier's uniform.

"Yes, do you know that he only hit me with one stick and I was already rocking. I almost broke my neck with that stick." baek yoonho said as he watched jimin take all the punches thrown by the humanoid ant.

The hunters who were there heard what yoonho said. They were amazed at jimin's strength because almost all of them knew yoonho.

He's not even the strongest S rank hunter in Korea, but they know how strong Baek Yoonho will be, especially when he's fully transformed.

Jinwoo was observing from the side and watching what was happening.

Based on what he heard, Jimin is really strong. Add to that his sudden appearance that even Jinwoo didn't feel.

And as he watches Jimin, he sees his expression. That it is not difficult with the number of punches that verus throws every minute. Jimin didn't even have a single drop of sweat, it seemed like he was just hitting him tirelessly with a pillow.

Jinwoo is sure of the weight of each of Verus' punches, because he can feel the strength of the wind shaking with each punch. It was like a strong earthquake with each blow.

It's late because Jimin is ok with showing off his elegance and he's planning to swing the yuro to block Verus' punch.

That's why he thought to finish quickly.

"Ok, the insect game is enough ." Jimin said to Verus. He released a huge mana that split verus' body like a tofu.

When the leaked mana slash hit the wall of the cave, there was a loud explosion. There was a huge hole that they could pass through.

"Opss, I think I've put too much mana in it." I said. But the truth is that i put only 1 percent of his mana in Yuro that release that slash.

[You kill a Mutated Ants, you got a 2.5k STR, 2.1k AGT, 2k VIT, 2kWIS ]

"It's not that bad." I said as I stared at the notification.

I took byung's body careful  and walk in the direction of jinwoo.

As I walk I see the expressions on their faces. Maybe they can't believe that the ant that almost consumed them died in just one hit.

When I arrived. I lowered byung's headless body slowly in front of jinwoo.

"here, use him first to treat hae-in." I said.

Jinwoo looked at Yoonho and saw the angry expression on his face. Of course he won't use his friend.

But he can't do anything because Hae-in might die if they don't do it.

Jinwoo was still having second thoughts but he saw Hae-in's condition that she was struggling.

"Don't worry, when he's finished treating Hae-in, you can release his soul." I told him. He nodded in response.

"Arise." Jinwoo said and at the same time a shadow appeared on Byung's headless body. The shadow that knelt down in front of jinwoo gradually became a human shape.

"What can I do for you, master?" the shadow said to Jinwoo as he knelt in front of him.

"Can you heal Hae-in" Jinwoo asked the shadow while pointing at Hae-in's unconscious body.

"Yes, master." answered the shadow.

"Treat her." Jinwoo commanded the shadow.

The shadow on Hae-in's body thickened and a book appeared in his hand.

The book opened and a green colored energy enveloped Hae-in's body. And five minutes later, Hae-in's expression became comfortable, a sign that she was no longer struggling.

"Although she hasn't woken up yet, I'm sure she's feeling fine." said the shadow to Jinwoo.

"Thank you." said jinwoo and at the same time the shadow turned into a black smoke and disappeared into the air.

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