Ch.5 [Private Dimension]

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As soon as I came out of the portal, I felt that I was the boss here. I feel like I can do anything here. The feeling that you are invincible, even if I see a god in front of me, I feel like I can kill him with just one thought.

After I felt what I was feeling, he opened my eyes and I was surprised by what I saw.

Because all I can see is a large piece of land floating in space.

"System, is what I'm seeing real, are we in the galaxy?" I asked because I was in the middle of that big land and around me were the beautiful galaxies. All I can see is that it's far from the earth.

[No, that's not real. Host, that's just an illusion that can be changed and where we are is inside your soul.] answered the System.

"Wait, why inside my soul?" I said.

[Because all abilities are connected to the soul. That's where everything starts, from the foundation to the strength of this power.] said the System

"Why the soul and not the body?" I said.

[Because a mortal's physical body is only a temporary identity. The reason for the soul is because it is an immortal, it does not die. And in the reincarnation system if there is a stronger energy in your soul it will be converted into your karma in the next life.] said the System

"Well, what about the bad people who are strong at work? And what is Karma?" I asked because my understanding is that the stronger the power, the more karma.

[ Karma is a type of judgment in the reincarnation System it is divided into two, Negative Karma and Positive Karma. For example. You have a powerful power that can equal half of the power of a god, but you achieved that power with evil. When you die, it will all be converted to Negative karma. And that Negative karma will make the judgment you deserve.] said the System.

If he gets reincarnation, there is no god like Yama who will judge you but the karma based on what you have done.

Okay that's right! He wants to try my skill. But before that I just have something to try.

When I entered here earlier, some information entered my brain. How can I control this place and what can I release such as Gold, glass, water and other things that do not have magical properties. And I can't even create a living thing here.

Since I am in the middle, I will build my house right in the middle here.

I walked away from the middle and stopped when he got the right size I had in mind.

I closed my eyes and thought about all the details in my brain. Soon I felt movement around me.

He opened my eyes and saw a big mansion. Since it was right in front of me, I went inside.

The masion has three floors, the first floor has two kitchens and a large living room and two bedrooms

On the second floor there are 5 large rooms and upstairs there is a Gym and Cinema room.

It's even more luxurious than a 5 Star hotel and we got the idea from the internet. Because this is one of the steps in making a family.

I just imagine that there are cute children running around our house, it's like my heart is being squeezed. And I know that village is not far away. Because he saw the inside and I'm satisfied with that. I went out to test my skill.


I am here a few meters away from the mansion. I also made a large dummy made of steel to test my Skill.

[Fire Breath] I said in my mind and I felt a warm energy go through my throat and want to come out of my mouth.

And emitted a bright red fire, I emitted more than five meters of fire that hit the metal dummy. (just like itachi emitted fire when his father was teaching him in a lake)

A few seconds later because the Skill is okay and I also have a feeling that if I continue to breathe fire I might pass out. When the fire disappeared from my sight, I was surprised by what I saw.

Because there wasn't much in front of me, all that was left was a crater of magma.

"It's dangerous!" I said while wiping my cold sweat from nervousness.

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