Ch. 20 Fire Spirit

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"Ok, because Hae-in is good and the humanoid ant is gone. You might want to stand up because you still have a lot of ants to kill." I said jokingly because through the big hole I could see thousands of ants flying in the sky.

And since I still have a quest to finish, I didn't wait for them to move. I went out and jumped on a tall tree and climbed to the top of it.

And when I was at the top I released a 30 meters Fire Breath in the air that killed hundreds of flying mosquitoes.


After more than 15 minutes I also finished my Quest killing more than 5 thousand ants.

[You completed the Quest (Ant Hunt)]

[Because you kill 8745 Ant you will receive an additional reward, [Fire knowledge]

Suddenly, knowledge flowed in my brain about how fire is formed, how to control it better, the different types of fire and what not.

I also felt that I could control the fire around me as if I was connected to them.

I bent fire from my side. Little by little, the flames seemed to be absorbed in one place, which became a dragon shape about 20 ft. the height

I approached the dragon and bowed his head. I felt that he wanted me to caress his head. But I'm having second thoughts because I might get burned.

But I still held it. Surprisingly I didn't get burned by the dragon's fiery body. It was as if I was touching a soft cloth. Because this is really the texture of fire.

This fire is a Fire spirit that came to life in my imagination and fire bending. I learned how to summon a Fire spirit because of the Fire knowledge I received.

I got on its back and it slowly opened its wings made of fire.

He flapped his wings until we reached the air.

In the air, not far away, I could see helicopters going to the island.

"I'll call you Hagorn." I said to the fire spirit while rubbing his head. I felt his joy when he found out that I gave him a name and he seemed to like it.

We're flying home because I'm also going to see an important person.


30 minutes ago

I arrived at home because I can't take Hagorn out on the street because the hunters might attack him there.

It's good that he can shrink his body. It's like a red fat cat with a small back wing. I don't even know how but he got a physical body when he got smaller.

It's not like before when it was just like fire in the shape of a dragon. Now when he got smaller he became a mischievous red cat.

I opened the door of the house and went straight to the room. I laid hagorn on the bed and I sat there.

Because I felt that my strength was too weak. It's a good thing I can control it , I feel like with just one flick I can make a big mountain disappear from the map.

"System, show me my status." I said to my System.

Name:Jimin Oston


Race:Super Human

Hp: 20M/20M

Mp: 2M/2M

STR: 200,000

AGI: 200,000

VIT: 200,000

INT: 1000

WIS: 200,000

LUCK: 500

GP: 21

[The Chosen of the abyss](Locked)
[Private Dimension](1,000 square meter)

[Door Open/Close]
[Fire Breath] [Master Swordmanship (pasive)]
[Fire Bending]

[Fire Bending]

Rank C to S

-You can Bend any fire around you.

PS: I changed the cost to none because I remembered that they don't use magical energy in the avatar to bend an element.

I have added a race for the mutation that will happen to him.

I know why only up to 200,000 is written in my status because I think this is the limit of our body.

There was also a change in my race maybe because I reached the human limit.

I looked at hagorn on my side, he was enjoying his sleep. I also intend to summon a Fire spirit with a bunny form, which I will present to Andrea on her birthday next week.

I went to the back of my house because the fence was high. I made a mess and spread it on the ground.

I bend the fire in one place and as soon as I summoned hagorn, the fire also twirls like a kaleidoscope until it turns into a rabbit.

It has four sharp horns and red eyes like hagorn, it is also like fire that just took form. The size is about 10 meters.

I'll let Andrea name him. I ordered him to shrink his body. Just like Hagorn, he also has a physical body. red fur and four small horns on his head.

"Andrea will like it." I said as I carried the fire spirit and entered the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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