Ch. 14 Ant Hunt

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I saw that the porter was already awake. But the healer continued to treat him. I approached them.

"Is he okay?!" I asked the healer.

The healer turned to me.

"He's okay, he's a bit injured but it's not life-threatening." the healer answered me.

"Thank you for saving us, we owe you our lives, thank you." said the porter and the healer nodded.

"It's nothing, just forget what happened here" I said as I put my finger to my lips.

They just nod.


We exited the portal and the manager of the hunters who raided the portal was waiting.

They are together in one of the five famous guilds in Korea. The Fame Guild

While the people in the guild were talking, I went straight to the house.

Yesterday when I got home I asked the system why the dungeon was graded C if there was an S Rank monster inside.

The system replied that there is a high possibility that what we entered was a double dungeon.

Now someone from the fame guild came to interview about what happened inside.

It's impossible for them not to investigate because they lost an A class hunter. Big resources and benifits to the guild when they strengthen that A class hunter. But because of the incident that happened yesterday, it's really a big loss.

That's why A class hunter is so rare in Korea.

I let the staff of the Fame guild enter. The aura was two C Class men.

They wear black suits with white shirts inside and black shades.

"What can I help you with?" I asked as if I didn't know why they came here.

"Mr. Oston, right." One of them told me that he had a tattoo like a worm or a snake on his neck.

"Yes" I answered.

"We just want to confirm something and I hope you will cooperate." he said.

"Yes, as much as I can." I answered as I gave them a sweet smile.

Another man with red hair frowned at me. Because before they entered, they released their aura. If a normal E class hunter would have been shaking with fear for sure.

But I answered them with a smile and didn't react to the aura they were putting out.

The man with the neck tattoo nodded.

"It was said when the three of you survived that there was a big ice worm that appeared and killed the hunters, is that true?" he asked me as he took out his phone to record my answers.

"Yes, that's true." my answer.

"And after the ice worm finished killing the hunters, is it true that the ice worm suddenly left and you went out?" said the one with the tattoo.

"Yes, that's true. That incident was really scary, so we left when we couldn't see the worm anymore. And thank god we survived." I answered as I shed some fake tears.

Actually I know that they already know the truth that happened inside. Because even if I save them inside, they will still try to live outside. Because in this world there is no perfect person.

Because they finished their questions and I answered them all.

They have left.

At the window. As I watched their car disappear from my sight. A notification appeared in front of me.

[Quest: Ant Hunt]

-Participate in Jeju Raid

-Kill 5,000 or more ants (0/5,000)

*Reward: 2 Key Shard(Naruto), 20 GP , Fire Bending

Time limit: 5 days.

"So, this is the start of our revenge. Jimin!." I said.

Actually. I know their raid on jeju is coming because I have seen jinwoo on tv.

I intend to go there. Even if no quest came to me because that was really the plan.

Because that's the only way to avenge my parents. I will get stronger with the statuses that those ants will give me.
I knocked down two birds with one stone.

Tomorrow I plan to re-evaluate so that I can legally participate in the jeju raid.

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