My missing part

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I had taken Vansh with me while running out and now we are here.

In the dance room.

He looks guilty, which is cracking me up. Sudden guilt trip. Why? I saw him fighting, he wasn't any newbie. God knows what boys think.

"You did not look so innocent while hitting that guy", I tried to be serious but was failing badly. Shit. I ended up laughing.

Vansh's POV-

Seeing Ridhima laughing, I felt peace. I don't know why but I always have a unsettling feeling inside me.

All my happiness are incomplete. No success is success. Even with my family, I feel alone.

But once when I am with her, I feel complete. As if she is the missing piece of my puzzle. And its not new. Its from the first time we met. When our parents shifted from best friends to neighbours.

I really did not want to fight in front of her. All my duels and fights were always outside school premises. Just because I wanted to become an inspiration for her to change. But I highly doubt if it has been of no use till now. Good that the facade is broken. I can atleast behave freely now.

My trance was broken by a voice. I saw it was one of Ridhima's friends.

Ridhima's POV-

Being an expert in all these things, I had already messaged Ragini to bring the antiseptic from the nurse's room on my way here, just like a pro.

I took his hand and started to dress the wound. The fact that he had no reaction when I touched his wound kinda shocked me. In all movies I have seen, the hero feels no pain while fighting but becomes softie when the heroine applies medicine.

Thankfully that cringe is not a part of my script.

"You can go now", I ordered after I was done. He nodded and walked off.

Just after he was gone, I turned back to my old self. Caring for others is not my cup of tea.

But there are things we do to impress our crush. You know, right?

I crossed my legs and sat on that chair, concentrating on retouching my nailpolish. How long will she keep staring at me?

"Come on Ragini. Stop smirking like that", I cried out.

"Oops. I think I had a really wierd dream. I am just checking if its true", she teased me and left.

This is the thing that happens whenever I have a new crush. I lose my mind and start doing wierd things to gain their attention and impress them. And then one fine day, I lose interest and start ignoring them. Lets see how long this infatuation lasts.

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